Our Little Urban Arboretum, a diary

by Charlotte Schneider

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/05/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9781504325530

About the Book

An adventure into the plant world through the eyes of a forester. Neighboring plants, sunlight and the beautiful animals that fly through the air, rain water, soil and the wonderful animals that make dirt their home, are all a living part of this book. This is a personal story of growth through the plant life. Dealing with t primary progressive multiple sclerosis for over 30 years, is demanding on time, energy, and attitude. The plants provide a refuge. Their fascinating seasonal changes, and their abilities to adapt to the challenges of weather are encouraging. Discover the hummingbird moths, a hawk in her backyard 2 blocks from the city limits, plants befriending each other, or antagonizing each other. Look into the prehistory of our plant world.

About the Author

Embrace change. At 33 she graduated B.S. in Forest Management. She experienced 23 years as one of the first women foresters becoming a Certified Arborist in 1998. She retired, volunteered as a Master Gardener and purchased her family home. On <1/3 acre she has ~60 plant Families. A Missouri Forester >35 years.