The Logo Decoded



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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9781452503011

About the Book

More than a pretty face designed to identify a product, a logo combines powerful elements super boosted with sophisticated branding techniques. Logos spark our purchasing choice and can affect our wellbeing.

Lovingly detailed, researched and honed to deliver a specific intention, a logo contains a unique dynamic that sidesteps our conscious mind. We might not know why we prefer one product over another but the logo, designed to connect the heart of the brand to our own hearts, plays a vital part in our decision to buy.

The power of symbols to sway us has been recognised throughout history. Found in caves and in Egyptian temples they are attributed with the strength to foretell and create the future, connect us with the divine and evoke emotions, from horror to ecstasy, at a glance.  The new symbols we imbue with these awesome powers are our favourite brand logos.

• Discover the unconscious effect of these modern symbols that thrust our most successful global corporations into the limelight and our lives.

• Learn to make informed choices about brands.

• Find out how a logo reflects the state of the brand and holds it to account.

About the Author

Australian born award winning designer Lora Starling has over thirty years experience in logo design in central London with clients in the City, in the UK and internationally. She combines her traditional design skills with her developed creative intuition so that designs effectively resonate with the intention of the brand.