Growing One's Inner Wisdom - To the Max
Or, discovering just how to full bloom even more gloriously than the lilies of the field
Book Details
About the Book
Welcome to the great wisdom oriented guidance of our 2 ever more full of ‘Life’, ‘Liberty’ and true found ‘Happiness’ Characters, Quantum Katie & Cosmic Charlie. Whom we the authors have designed, to help carry every One of Us ever more deeply into what we all already know, within the very Heart Core of Us.

About the Author
Lynn Sereda has 2 Masters, & a Ph.D. in Ed Psych from UC Berkeley (late 60’s). In addition to having published several books & self-healing audios, you will find in Dr. Sereda. Someone who has dedicated his life to the study and practice of our very best inner healing technologies, as well as an exploration into that potentially totally free unbound spirit, which is said to reside both within & beyond - us all. To the point where he now feels most whole-sum-ly inspired, to help guide everyone who might so choose. Into what amounts to the very sort of total ‘Love of Life’ and complete sense of ‘Liberty’ - such as seems to be required. In order to help our very own innermost unique us - actually find that ‘True King-Dome of Heaven Found’, now most ‘Joy-Fully Happy State’! Said to be possible for us all - to awaken With-In! So here grounded within the greatest wisdom teachings of the ages, is his more modern nervous system based vision! As to just how, yes, we-each-of-us-actually-can invent our Self’s into the truly great unique us - life - we all of us most long for! Based on our ability to learn how to way more fully operate, our very own quantum computer like, virtually unlimited intelligence organizing system, within! To our optimal max! Amy Cordova is in her own right a well known children’s book author and award winning illustrator, most notably Abuleta’s Heart, Juan the Bear and the Water of Life, Namaste, & most recently Talking Eagle & Our Lady of the Roses (or, of Guadelupe).