Literary Achiever Bundle


A book award is more than recognition from a literary body. Awards can boost credibility, create fanfare and introduce your book to curious readers and media. But, how does one find the right literary award to join? There are thousands and when you do find a few that fits your book, the next step is navigating through the nomination process. The pursuit of book awards can be a long and complicated process, but with the Literary Achiever bundle, you get a mix of services designed to make it easy for you to find and explore potential award opportunities.

With Literary Achiever, book award opportunities are right at your fingertips through the smart matching capability of Awards Finder. Literary Achiever also includes a professional book review with the US Review of Books and entry to the awards contest, the Eric Hoffer Awards, so get a head start in your awards search today.

 What does the Literary Achiever service include?

  • A 6-month access to Awards Finder. AwardsFinder is a book award-matching platform that finds you one award opportunity per week throughout your 6-month Pro access. On a monthly basis, AwardsFinder will target one literary award opportunity as the best match, create the nomination package for your book and professionally submit the entry in your behalf
  • A professional review by the US Review of Books (USRB). USRB is a website that reviews both traditional and self-published books. The US Review of Books connects authors with professional book reviewers and places their book reviews in front of 18,825 subscribers in their free monthly newsletter.
  • A direct entry to the Eric Hoffer Award. A nomination entry of your book will be submitted to the Eric Hoffer Award. The Eric Hoffer Book Award honors and remembers Eric Hoffer, the great American Philosopher. It gives recognition to outstanding books specifically to small, academic, and micro presses. Since its foundation, it has become one of the largest international book awards for independent presses.
  • Eligibility for a feature in BookMad. If you win an award, it will be featured in BookMad Magazine, an online publication dedicated to empower self-published authors. It will also be announced through its Facebook page.
  • Option for Cover Resubmission to add the review blurb and/or any award seals to your book cover.

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