Misadventures of an (Almost) Average Canadian

by Evelyn Grey

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/06/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781982229986

About the Book

Ms. Grey relates her memories to share the many twists and turns of a life’s journey. Everyone has at least one good story in them, a unique voice waiting to be heard. Collected within these pages are not one but many good stories filled with fun, embarrassment, love, fear, joy, and pain. Though the details are individual and personal, the highs, lows, and in-betweens are highly relatable as we all travel such myriad paths in our lives. Far from generic, these tales are often full of raw, poignant emotion and are balanced out by an underlying tongue-in-cheek humor that is sure to delight readers with laugh-out-loud misadventures.

About the Author

It is often said to write about what you know, as this is where the strength of any story — and storyteller lies. Truer words could not be written about this author’s work as she recalls memories, experiences and adventures down the winding road called ‘life’. All of Ms. Grey’s stories are related in an honest, open voice; to read them is to get an insight into her inner person, but more importantly into the inner person of oneself. In her opinion, Ms. Grey’s qualification as a storyteller is that she is extraordinarily ordinary in every way, growing up in a conventional way, with thoroughly standard looks, intelligence and skills. Her most notable achievement to date has been to stay unmemorable and unremarkable in all aspects of her life as she moves around the country, working whatever jobs come to hand for survival, and possibly…accidentally… becoming a very relatable icon of Canadian averageness.