I was born into a family of spiritualists. For many generations, my ancestors have had this gift from God running through their veins. I was often told that my grandmother and great-grandmother on my mother’s side of the family were so gifted that they could make a broom walk across the floor or make spoons bend. Well that’s just a little bit freaky if you ask me, but to this day whenever I look at my own broom, I’ll say to it “if you’re gonna move, you better start sweeping”! That being said, I’ve seen spirit and spirit animals ever since I can remember back to about the age of four.
I grew up in a small, rural town in New England. The house I grew up in was an old, historical schoolhouse where children learned in one big room, and there always seemed to be spirits available for my viewing. You know how children will sometimes have imaginary friends – well I seemed to have many! I had one special friend in particular who would actually follow me outside to play. The little girl with the straight brown hair and bangs was always there in the times when I needed her. Later in life, describing her to my mother, I was told she was here many years before.
There always seemed to be somebody from spirit there watching and guiding me, such as a Native American who would sit on the porch and wait for me to get off the bus every day from school. My mom could see what I was seeing and would reassure me that he was one of my guides watching to make sure I got home safely every day. I always felt loved and protected.
The only time my gift was or could be a little bit scary was in the middle of the night when I could sense and see spirit around me. I slept with a full light on until the age of 14 and couldn’t fall asleep unless I could hear my dad snoring in the next room. I know now that when it’s your sleep time or dream time that the veil is at its thinnest, making it easier for spirits to get their message through. As I grew up, I would awaken up every morning around 3:00, the spiritual hour, and I would get up and have a cup of tea. My mom used to always tell me “you’ve gotta be scared of the living – the dead aren’t going to hurt you”. Okay mom, I believe you, but that still doesn’t help me to sleep at night!
Recently, I met a group of friends from high school. We all got together for dinner and I was asked the question “could you see things back then?” “Of course I could”, I replied. They continued to ask, “but why didn’t you ever tell us?” Can you just imagine walking down the halls of your high school and telling people you can see dead people? I’m pretty sure no one would have asked me to the prom!
So, I lived my life like most people do, enjoying everything that went along with it – marriage, having a baby, a career. And to most people my life seemed quite normal. But I was always taking in the guidance that was still being sent down to me from heaven, many times hearing the voice of God, as he always called me “little one”.
I still didn’t talk about it with most people, except my mom, who was my biggest confidant. And since she had these same gifts, it was nice to be able to talk to her about the things that would happen. My mom always understood.
I loved being guided, then there came a time when my son joined the Army and my husband was working a lot of hours that the signs started to appear of how my life was about to change. God waits for just the right time to make his message known. God and spirit started sending me down a new path.
As I was mechanically putting on my makeup one day, I heard God’s voice coming through loud and clear. “I need you to do more of this work (God’s work) for me”, and I said “why?” and he said, “because the world is becoming a darker & darker place and we need more light.” I owned a salon at the time and I asked, “God, what if I starve?” and he answered back “have I ever let you starve?” And it’s true – I had never starved or wanted. God always gave me what I needed.
As I walked into the living room and told my husband George “God wants me to do my mediumship full-time”, he responded “then do it!” With his blessings and support, Messages From Heaven was born - a healing and learning center for me to bring healing messages to those in need and teach others how to get in touch with their own abilities.
After my conversation with God I went to train with some of the most renowned psychic mediums in the US and the UK to hone my gifts and to bring spirit in stronger. Messages from Heaven is a three-way conversation; From spirit, Through spirit, and To spirit. I feel inspired to do God’s work by comforting those who need to hear from their loved ones on the other side. I have developed an enhanced ability to see, hear, feel, taste and smell, all of which are essential traits to deliver messages and provide evidential proof that their spirit is eternal.