This is a belief that will empower you.
It is not always an easy one to get your head around or to fully accept, but in doing so, you will elevate your position in life to a place of higher health, happiness, and fulfilment. Having a victim mentality will most definitely hold you back from ever moving on, moving forward or indeed moving up in the world. A victim mentality is where one cannot recognize that the person in question OWNS the choice of attitude.
You and I will always control and therefore be able to choose our own attitude. No matter what life throws at us, no matter what happens, we will always own that choice and we CAN choose to be happy. The moment you can evolve your thinking beyond the shortcomings that life has ‘given you’ is the moment you gain full control over how you feel. There are four key messages I can share with you to help guide your awareness:
Let go of what you cannot control
Take charge of what you can control
You cannot control other people
You cannot control mortality
Although your voice counts and you can influence the environment around you, there is a large aspect of society, government, and everyday life that you cannot control either. You CAN control your attitude. ATTITUDE is everything.
You can choose to find the opportunity in any situation. You can choose to appreciate and be grateful. You can choose to communicate positively. You can choose the meaning you give to the perceived negativity in your life, including the unforeseen events that have led you to feel negative about yourself and your life.
I am no doctor, but I do have an understanding of the mind and human behaviour. I believe that a depression is the sum of a spiral of negative thoughts. A compound effect of negative self-talk that all stems from a miss-controlled attitude. This negative attitude is almost always traced back to a victim mentality.
The world is not out to get you. You are not hard done by. I know that all of this may seem cliché but it’s a deep visceral belief of mine. I learned this myself when Jamie died. I had a choice to be a victim or a victor and despite a few very rare and normal blips along the way, I live as the latter on a macro-level in my life.
I had a choice in my life and you have one in yours. Mine was to be the victim of an unforeseen tragedy. The brother who had his perfect life ripped from him. Or, I could choose to accept and let go of what I cannot control and choose to be a victor. I changed its meaning and chose to live my life to the best I possibly can. That is what I would have wanted Jamie to do should it have been the other way around.
A victim mentality will always hold you back. You’ll be dealt a bad hand in life because you will always see things as bad. You’ll put responsibility down to external factors, other people, situations, politics, the news, the economy, even the weather!
You have been through hardships in your life. These have given you opportunity to grow and learn. You cannot change the past so it’s time to change the present. A victim mentality will only attract more drama and negativity in your life. You will manifest the same recurring patterns of self-sabotage and pain. It’s time to graduate your thinking. This is an important belief that I always install into my clients. You aren’t a victim. You are a VICTOR.
You are an ingenious survivor of everything you’ve seen and done. That is who you are. You have lessons in your past that you can learn and apply to create more strength and love. Stop asking ‘why me?’. It puts you on the effect side of ‘cause and effect’. Control and choice exist on the cause side.
You can accept responsibility and cause your own fortune. You can cause your own positivity and success in life. Instead of asking ‘why?’ ask yourself ‘What can I do?’ You are a VICTOR. You have the choice and the opportunity to be happy. You have the control and the responsibility to live as your SUPER SELF. So, tell me, what are YOU going to choose? Lose the victim. Defeat it. It’s done. Step in and step up. It is time to take the lead and apply a victor’s mindset.