Your Soul is alive and awaiting further acknowledgement and awakening! The life of our Souls merged with the Love of our hearts is our direct line to God, to Source (by whatever name) to our True Home. Connection to our True Soul Home gives us access to all the gifts and powersof the Soul which houses pure Love, healing abilities and wisdom. The Soul is who we are in temporary human form… the Soul is ongoing and everlasting.
We are Love! This is the Soul’s main message for our hearts because Love is the force that has the power to transmute and heal all.
We’re after the enlivening of the Soul body because it houses Love and is made of Light. At the core of every atom in our bodies is a photon and a photon is the fundamental particle of visible Light! SOUL = LIGHT OF LOVE
This triad of Love, Light and Soul gives us the foundation of who we are and why we’re here.LOVE + LIGHT = SOUL
We are Love and we are the Soul made of Light. Part of awakening to our innate inner powers is in remembering that the Soul, Love and Divine Light contain everything necessary for joyful, productive, purposeful, fulfilling, peaceful and loving lives. The knowledge to do so can be received via the wisdoms of the four “clairs”.
CLAIRAUDIENCE: Inner hearing from within for communication with Source and our teachers on the Other Side. All hear in their own way. Full conversations are an ultimate. Clairaudience becomes stronger as one goes deeper and higher into the Divine Light and Love.
CLAIRSENTIENCE: Feeling senses, intuition. Information is given via your intuition. You can feel the knowingness of truth with this sense.
CLAIRVOYANCE: Inner vision. Clairvoyance is accessed via the third eye and the connections of the pineal and pituitary glands. It’s an inner vision that allows us to see in other dimensions and realms.
CLAIRCOGNIZANCE: Inner knowing. At the center of every cell is our God-self, where all-Love, all-knowingness and wisdom reside. Accessing this information is what the Soul does intuitively. Intuition is accessed via our feeling senses aka clairsentience, which is activated by the Love of our hearts. Your clairaudience is the voice of your inner hearing. A developed clairaudient body gives access to communication with Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and loved ones on the Other Side. Clairvoyance keeps us connected to visions of other dimensions. The blueprint of these four “clairs” is within us. All you need to know is within you.
We all use these natural gifts of clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance and claircognizance whether consciously or not. To learn to use them in conscious unveiled truths is an important piece of empowering one’s self from the inside out.
Once as I was driving toward an intersection, I heard a voice inside my head say, “Stay back.” I slowed down and less than a minute later, the car in front of me was slammed by another vehicle who’s driver was blinded by the setting sun. The distance spared me from being involved in this accident. I believe this was one of my Guardian Angels and the God Force warning me via my clairaudient channel.
The Soul body within each of us is a part of the One Soul that miraculously connects all of life. It contains the properties of the Creator, thus of all Creation. As we learn to vibrate at the high frequencies of unconditional Love and divine Light, the Soul body becomes enlivened. With the Soul’s enlivening, natural birth gifts of connections to the Other Side can find their rightful places. The remembrance of Love and joy as Self comes alive. Love and it’s many facets announces itself and the gifts from Creator God Source are in abundant grace everywhere. All comes from the Light as Love and all returns to the Light as Love.
And what exactly is this Light? The Divine Light is Love in the form of a palpable substance. Simply put, it is what everything is made of. At the center of every atom in the human body is the photon and in the center of each photon is the fundamental particle of Light!
The Light contains natural healing powers and has innate knowingness, also known as your claircognizance. The Light can be seen by the clairvoyant third eye which is made possible with the connections of the pituitary and pineal glands. One can learn to feel the Light with clairsentience, the feeling senses.
What does all this really mean? It means that we have the opportunity to remember how to be guided by the wisdom and Light of our Souls, where Love and claircognizance reside and where miracles and magic are regular, natural occurrences. It is the life of an awakened soul consciousness.
When looking beyond what we take for granted, the human being is truly a magical and miraculous entity with powers of natural healing abilities filled with the pure Love of God’s gifts for all.
Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is.”