Crossing the Brain-Body Barrier

Uniting Mind and Body

by Nancy Copenhafer RN LMT

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/01/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781504394659
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 158
ISBN : 9781504394635

About the Book

As humans, we spend much of our lives in a routine by acting, thinking and living on autopilot. Author Nancy Copenhafer believes we can change to become more aware, participate more in life, and bridge the gap between our minds and bodies. Crossing the Brain-Body Barrier offers a pragmatic guidebook for helping people take back their minds and listen to their bodies as they begin to think of themselves as whole. Copenhafer, an energy healer, massage therapist and registered nurse, discusses ways to engage our brain to think in a new direction, bring awareness to our body and connect the two. Copenhafer presents thought-provoking questions and exercises to help readers reconnect for a total body experience. Crossing the Brain-Body Barrier suggests ideas on how to live fully by learning awareness of mind, body and emotions. It shows you how to take control to blend mind and body together for a living balance

About the Author

Nancy Copenhafer, RN, LMT, Energy Healer has spent her adult life working as a massage therapist, registered nurse, and energy healer. Through massage and energy work, she understands the relationship between mind, body, and energy. Copenhafer has taught Reiki courses, massage classes, and given lectures to pass along her knowledge. Her experiences as psychiatric nurse taught her about relationships, coping skills, and communication.