This research monograph presents research on the interacting factors between physical health, mental health and a long quality life. We invited leading researchers from gerontology, psychology, medicine, nursing, economics, and engineering
This research monograph presents interdisciplinary research in the area of healthcare because there is a multi-dimension to healthcare. Because of the interdisciplinary approach in this research monograph, this provides a useful update to academicians and researchers working who research in the topics presented.
In addition, the research monograph is written in plain language which enables for nontechnical readers to read about the updates in the factors dealing with physical health, mental health and longevity because of their interest in these topics. The topics covered are
• The relationship between depression, mental health and longevity;
• Recent advances in helping patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease;
• Changes in the immune system as people age;
• Maintaining a health brain function during the aging process;
• Psychosocial Intervention combined with drug treatment for improving the quality of life for Alzheimer’s patients;
• Seniors and their sexual health during the aging process;
• The use of yoga, meditation, music and diet are an effective psycho-neuro-immuno- therapeutic holistic approaches in combating Alzheimer’s disease (AD);
• Mitigating the effects of Parkinson’s disease to improve the quality of life;
• Mindfulness and wellbeing;
• The determinants in the quality of life for retirees;
• The interaction of creativity and longevity in Asia;
• Effects of hobbies in maintaining a quality of life;
• The tell-tales templates of aging: looks and aging;
• The measure of quality adjusted life years (QALY) for patients suffering from diseases.
Despite the myriad of topics presented, the motif running through each of the chapters is improving the quality of life during our aging years. During our aging years, the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by each of us becomes important. That is, this research monograph presents the things that are needed for a good quality of life in our aging years.