Is It Beautiful? A Journey from Separation toward Unification

by Betty A. Luceigh

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/08/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781504384223
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9781504384216

About the Book

Is It Beautiful?

From her childhood, author Dr. Betty Luceigh felt an inner separation between science and spirit. In Is It Beautiful? she reveals her lifelong process toward unification of mind and heart through her memoirs, poems, and reflections.

Her extraordinary vision of the Light of Beauty at age thirty-nine marked a dramatic shift in her spiritual awareness. Beauty became her mystery, companion, guide, and inspiration. Throughout the years, Luceigh has increasingly valued creativity, compassion, courage, and connections. Is It Beautiful? narrates her long arc of spiritual evolution and her deep yearning to share her awareness in service to others. Luceigh believes she will continue to experience the Light of Beauty as aging returns her home to the Oneness of existence.


Praise for Is It Beautiful?

An absorbing personal story of our common search for meaning and coherence in life’s ever-changing flow.

—Louise Jackson, Historian, Published Author


This book offers readers a unified vision for our common future.

—Jann McGuire, DMin, Author, Illness as Initiation


The author, like an artist, creates new connections from diverse palettes and illuminates beauty. Creatively energizing!

—Frances Wheatley, Art Director, Los Angeles Philharmonic

About the Author

Betty A. Luceigh, PhD, has spent her life integrating her profession in organic chemistry with her reflections on the meaning of human experience. Luceigh earned her PhD in organic chemistry at Stanford University. She contributed to the chemistry profession predominantly through teaching her award-winning lectures in organic chemistry, the last eighteen years at UCLA. Now retired and living in the country, she writes from a perspective of unifying science and heart as she continues to deepen her awareness of both.