This is your life, so be the boldest version of yourself! Take healthy risks, set the self-loving boundaries, dare yourself to do more, and be all that you are! This life isn't about acting small, nor are we meant to hide or be afraid. We are meant to shine our Light--our brightest of bright. We have to stand in our truth and claim our power and our worth, as we have so much to share with this world.
Coexisting on this earth and living life as human beings, our spirits and souls are evolving as we express our truths and perceptions. With all the diversity of stimulation, we must stay connected with who we are to sense true freedom. This life on earth has been created for us to learn from one another and from ourselves as we coexist in unity; we see our totality and the importance of our own existence. When we perceive this life without any separation and in unity with all that is, we can learn deeper truths about our world and who we are. When we come together, we expand our consciousness to a greater extent, giving us a broader vision to see what is and to openly perceive.
Even though we may have similar perspectives with others, it is still important for us to see the parts that aren't so similar to our own, allowing us to learn what other people are seeing to expand our vision and to stand in our own truth. As we learn from others, we may not agree with some things, yet this is entirely okay. We are so diverse, and we have our own free-will, our freedom of choice, to believe in what resonates with us. To continue learning, we have to be willing to be open to receive more truth.
Updating Yourself: Re-discovering Who You Are
As spiritual beings living on this earth, life tends to get busy for everyone. At times, we tend to overlook ourselves or even forget what we enjoy and who we are. It's important to re-discover ourselves, as we are always evolving. Take time to re-discover what you enjoy as well as who you are! Here's a fun way on re-discovering who you are:
Writing Exercise: Remember Who You Are!
Write a list of everything that describes you. For instance, if you like to write, say you're a writer! Even if you don't have a book published yet, claim your power of being a writer! If you like to take pictures, say that you are a photographer! If you love to love, say you are a lover! If you like to sing, say you're a singer, and so on ~
All of these are your strengths and gifts! You can always add more as you remember and learn more about yourself.
Channeled Message:
The earth is your temporary home where you bear fruit and reconnect with your Divine Self. Life on the earth expresses a complexity of lessons that are meant to be mastered and respected. You are here now to spread the truth and the light. Humble yourself to the lessons that you are experiencing. They aren't meant to stress you--they are meant to teach you. Let go-- it's very important to let go by having faith that everything is going according to Divine Plan. You are a beautiful child of the Divine--a child that is always being taken care of. You are Divine, as you always receive blessings and guidance to always be at peace.
This life is yours. It's a gift given to you--a gift that is meant to bring you joy, happiness, peace, and comfort. Let yourself connect to the innate truth within life--the essence, the purpose. When you stay centered, you will understand the true beauty that is being given to you.