Life: What’s It All About?
Lighthearted Poems with Big Messages
Book Details
About the Book
Marguerite Lane removes the pain With a cheery little rhyme When your mojo’s like a yoyo Bring it into line. If you long for some redemption From the Spirit’s pain Join us to release the tension Smiling to stay sane.
About the Author
Marguerite Lane is a naturopath in full time private practice, an American living in Sydney, Australia. An integral part of her work is to listen to her clients, and understand their life challenges, quandaries and joys. Health begins deep down inside a person and this inner level, when a person chooses to share it, is vital. The poems contained in this book were written during meditation, and while contemplating the state of the world and the individual's relationship to life and to the world. They came forth unexpectedly and freely, so it seemed only right to give voice to them, where others will perhaps resonate with them and be comforted.