In 2017 or whenever you happen to read this book, you do live in an age where the health systems of many countries are starting to creak and groan under the pressures that they have been put, and from the lack of finances and resources they have been provided with. While that is in many ways quite shameful, it is also quite interesting. As a consequence of this, what is happening is that more individuals, and many more mental and physical health professionals, are starting to investigate complementary, alternative, or holistic forms of therapy and thus return to what is an age old concept – i.e. that the source of many forms of dis-ease is rooted in our spiritual essence, in our Soul.
Perhaps you are one of those people who is living on what is likely to turn out to be the cutting edge of human evolution, as we start to realise and fully put into practice the reality that we are more than just physical bodies.
I believe there is an innate ability to self-heal within all of us; it is as though it is part of our collective DNA. While it is still very much part of several indigenous communities around the world, much of the impulse to self-heal has either been lost or lies more dormant in many parts of the Western World. Here we have tended to look at dis-ease and imbalance as something that comes from the external world, and have become victims that have to look outside of ourselves to others to fix us.
When we do contract illness or disease, it is important to realise that we have options that are within us as well as outside of us. The innate self-healing ability of the immune system is the most powerful and important healer that we can ever access. What we need to do is to learn how to activate and use that ability within us.
Part of the simple genius of self-healing tools is also the fact they focus on prevention perhaps more than, though certainly as well as, remedy. Scientific research has found that many disorders including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer have been preventable. When we put effort and order into maintaining ourselves we go some way towards fostering that attitude and state of prevention, which is effectively the ultimate form of self-care.
Taking responsibility for generating and maintaining our own well-being is integral for our evolutionary journey as human beings. Evidence for this reality is everywhere. Research studies continually show us that diet, exercise and stress management are some of the most effective tools for maintaining health.
One of the other ideas behind this book is that healing and therapy can be a costly thing, especially for those on a low income. However, not everything about it necessarily needs to be and that is one reason why this book has been written, so more people can access the simple yet effective healing mediums offered within it.
My hope is that you can use this delightfully-priced volume to bring significant changes to your life. Going to a well-trained therapist when serious stuff comes up, can (and should) be immensely rewarding for your ongoing well-being, and is usually worth it. However, it is also something that not everyone believes they can afford.
So, this book provides a few simple, effective tools that are very useful for ongoing maintenance that are on the whole, free. There are some suggestions where it might be a good idea to go to a class and hone some of the skills mentioned here.
On the whole, though, the ethos of this book is to keep things simple and manageable in all areas (including expenses) wherever possible.
While this preview may initially indicate otherwise, another one of the intentions of this book is that it will be concise where possible. I am a person who loves the bullet point that tells me everything I need to know rather than the long-winded explanation that sometimes may create confusion rather than clarity. Therefore, wherever possible, everything will be explained concisely and precisely.
Some of the topics covered in the various chapters merit a book or two by themselves, and perhaps this book will spark your intuition or curiosity to explore the subject of that particular topic more deeply for yourself. There will also be either an exercise or a reference for several of the chapters in this book, giving you the reader opportunities to practice each technique in a simple, effective way.
Finally, you can also access Life Enhancing audio recordings (some are free and some paid for) on my App “Hypnosis for Transformation” – which is available at the App Store and on Android, on my website or through Amazon. While these audios are stand-alone products by themselves, they also complement some of the exercises in this book.