Ashes to Beauty
From Ashes She Rose and Beauty Happened
Book Details
About the Book
Based on a true story, Karen Callaghan experiences life through trials and error; her resilience takes her life to the next level, and she never settles and accepts mediocrity. Despite Karen’s struggles, she sees the good and learns from her pain and mistakes, thus becoming emotionally stronger.
In Ashes to Beauty, Karen’s story is used to help and inspire women and men to live life to the fullest and to celebrate and appreciate the gifts of life. It demonstrates how to:
• be appreciative and grateful;
• be attuned to your intuition;
• live and create life on your own terms;
• recognize your patterns in life and have a good breakthrough that will change your life and future generations;
• focus on what will make you grow as an individual
• understand that working, developing, and growing one’s self will inspire others to do the same; and
• develop strategies to maintain the changes.
Ashes to Beauty offers a narrative to show you how to grow, get creative, and master your life.
About the Author
Karen Callaghan understands happiness is an inside job that involves positive emotions, and she works on maintaining those feelings on a daily basis. Above all she believes in serving and giving back with conviction and love, which also makes her feel connected spiritually. The money aspect follows and consequently flows automatically and abundantly. She currently lives in New South Wales, Australia.