Our modern society has been overindulging for some time now, over consuming earth resources, wasting a lot of precious assets, contaminating carelessly pristine natural areas, without realizing the dire consequences.
When you look closely, you see an interesting fact: what society as a whole is doing to the earth, people are doing to their own bodies, ingesting huge amounts of stimuli from outside, wasting precious energy resources from their bodies, allowing polluted food, ideas and foreign emotional energies into their Body-Mind System, without the awareness of their long term detrimental effects.
When you neglect looking after your wellbeing, you soon become unwell, then sick, and now you are a burden to your family and your community. People are using their bodies like a cab, leaving it unattended till the next move and have become careless about their wellbeing trusting the magic pill to do it for them.
This book is about understanding wellbeing from an energetic perspective and from a practitioner, facilitator, mentor, who has spent over thirty years in clinical practice, training and guiding people back to feeling well.
I have witnessed too many unnecessary suffering, especially in chronically ill people, hearing their case histories filled with ongoing complications, more drugs, surgery, counselling, and still not being well, while looking for the magic bullet to get fixed. They come to regain their health when their bodies are screaming at them (chronic pain, chronic anxiety, chronic illness …). In most cases, all this suffering could have been avoided had they listened to their body’s early warning…But that does not come naturally in an environment where people are pushed to swallow a pill and “soldier on”! So a very common reaction to feeling unwell is to reach out for a pill…It is quick and mask the symptoms…We forget to change what has triggered the symptoms in the first place, and rarely tap into the innate healing power of the body.
Taking medication or having the lump or organ removed give people a false sense of security that all is well again. How many people do you know who had the disease come back in a different place and much harder to remove than before…Because nothing has changed inside…
Removing the symptom is vastly different from removing the deep causative factor that is behind the symptom. (That is often an old trauma which has never been processed). That common practice is a dangerous practice that will move you straight into a chronic condition. So if you do need surgery, make sure you attend to the cause of the problem at the same time.
The outside help is still beneficial and we are blessed with a huge palette of modalities available to us. They will speed the recovery and raise the comfort level of the experience. So it has its place, AND you need to be fully engaged in your wellness journey, actively helping the external treatment, so your body can absorb and utilize optimally its benefits.
The outer doctor works best when you call on the “doctor within “…
This book gives practical, simple and easily applicable approaches to start your return to wellness through “Energetic Intelligence “.
Intelligence is about taking information from both the outer and the inner environments and making decisions that are advantageous to the organism.
Do you value your health and are curious about what are the three essential keys to practice to achieve it? Then, keep reading.
Life is too precious to waste time in worry, anxiety and pain. It is time to take charge of and reclaim your energy. You apply these three simple keys and your whole life will be filled with more peace and joy, which are the core components of wellbeing.
You are in the driver seat of your life. Do you replenish your energy regularly with the best quality fuel? Do you notice the red light on the dash board of your body? Do you bash the light and keep driving? Or stop and check what is happening and attend to it?
Most chronically ill patients have ignored the light warning and kept driving the body to crisis point.
You also decide where you are driving to and which path to get there, how safely or dangerously you move. There is a time to take the highway and get there fast as in a life threatening situation, and there is a time to select the bush track and explore the landscape, at the very beginning of feeling unwell or in long term chronic cases.
It is not as much about what happens to you. It is more about how you decide to perceive every event and how you process it that will determine whether your life journey is easy or uneasy.
Whether I am lecturing, coaching, training or treating clients, writing or speaking, I am essentially doing one thing: helping people live a better quality life through energetic understanding.
While simultaneously training students in college and practicing in clinic, I also noticed that as the students learn about their body‘s energies, making connections, becoming aware of new aspects of themselves and applying their knowledge, they start healing, and while my patients start their journey back to health, they discover and gather a lot of new insights about their energy during the healing process and they learn to use their inner wisdom.
You are both healing and learning when you work energetically on your wellbeing.
Are you ready for that powerful combination?
As you read on, stay aware, highlight what is relevant to your situation, notice what comes up for you when I ask a question. You can actually apply everything in the book as you read it.
Practice, test everything for yourself.
Remember your purpose for selecting this book. You have decided to move towards wellbeing.
How do you rate your overall state of wellbeing right now?
How can you improve it?
There may be something that you are not aware of, that your body is trying to tell you about.
You are feeling “good”? ... Good is not enough anymore! You want to thrive and enjoy life to the max! And raise your energy to its optimal level.
Energy is your most precious asset. How you use it is in direct connection to the quality of your life. When the energy is calm and flowing, it feels great. When it is restless, sluggish or stagnant, it feels quite different.
Wellbeing Management is Energy Management at all levels.
You want to be well to enjoy life with all its mixed experiences, playing, creating activities that are rewarding physically, emotionally, psychologically, financially and spiritually, as well as coping with its challenges optimally.
How long does it matter to be and stay well? Your whole life!
When you appreciate the significance of being well, you easily decide to establish a simple code of practice which quickly becomes part of who you are.
Health or wellbeing is the core base of a successful, balanced and enjoyable life. And that is priceless!