Knowing Wholeness
Through Poetry and Imagery
The integrating of body, mind and spirit, embracing the dark and the Light of one’s human and divine conditions, is one of the purposes of KNOWING WHOLENESS; Through Poetry and Imagery, a book of nearly 100 soulful poems and several images. Here is one of the poems which captures this intention:
Those lusty ways
So primal
While we have these bodies
Let us get from them
The mileage that we may
Connecting to divine aliveness
Merging with the great beyond
Communing with the One
Through union with another
Spirits flowing
Arms enfolding
Hearts of gold
No withholding
Share this Earth
Give birth to making
Fertile now
At any age
And any stage of life
A time for pleasure-making
No mistake in waking
To a time to savor
Bodies which have brought
Us through and on beyond
Our suffering to now enjoy the bonds
Of blissful union,
Sweet communion.
While the poetry seeks to help the reader embrace one’s head, heart and hara (belly), the heart is celebrated as the center of our being, the place where resources from Heaven and Earth meet.
The hatching of the heart –
So ripe, this phrase is haunting me.
How good, indeed, it would be for the world
If each of us would HATCH our HEARTS this year,
Allowing hardened shells surrounding these
To slowly crack and fall away,
Releasing Light and Love with wings
So all within the orbit of our field
Could feel the flow
And somehow know
That love of every kind
Comes from the heart, not mind.
There is a circle here:
The mind informs the heart,
The heart illumes the mind
Which then, again, informs the heart –
And so it goes; with Grace the process flows.
Celebrate anew, each day, your best of parts:
Your tender and courageous heart
And start to HATCH that HEART today;
Tomorrow, someday, set it free
Then feel your Essence, fully BE.
Wholeness includes our times of pain. A section entitled “On Loving and Leaving Narcissists” explores this challenging human experience. In other poems remorse, even the darkness of “our evil twin”, our shadow, are put forth. Carl Jung taught us that the road to wholeness is made of fateful detours and wrong turnings. These detours within our history can be integrated and much of the energy can be transformed into personal power.
We’re whole, a duo, you and me,
Tamed within my heart, not far
Away from me, you are
Within these chambers, holding close,
The dark and Light, for we are both
Included in the “All That Is”
Complete, connected,
Resurrected wholeness.
Life doesn’t work the other way
So darkness, you are here to stay with me
In wholeness,
Truth so bright;
Your darkness does not dim the Light.
The Age which is upon us here
Says this:
When polar opposites appear
Let’s welcome the dichotomies
Let us embrace as partners, these.
Now is the time; let it be so.
Following the section on “The Shadow, That Gremlin” is a section of poems about “Remorse and Surrender” with the suggestion that we do so sooner rather than later:
Wise are those who do it sooner.
Surrender to the One.
We do this when the day is done,
When deathbed gives no other choice.
So why must “I” not have a voice
About my life while I am young?
Why should I turn it over,
Give control away
By saying, “Take me, Spirit,
Make me what you see
That I could be.”
By giving not ourselves to God
When we are young
We get to see, eventually
The errors we make,
So many woes
Which aren’t undone
Without the Grace which comes
Replacing our remorse
At having not surrendered
A section on “Our Spiritual Connection” reminds us of the healing we receive from nature:
Sweet baby green ones
Pop like popcorn
Only silently
As Spirit moves
These neonatal
Nubile, clean
Clear green
Bright leaves on branches
Springtime brings
Until the Summer sunshine
Blanches them with life’s full throttle living
Giving wear and tear to what was innocent
Our hot young living’s grand and strong aliveness
Starts to turn the cycle ‘round
Then Fall begins to brown and tarnish
What was tender months ago
By dropping those
Which once were popping
So we go below for Winter
Leaves as compost
Food for future growth
New gleanings
Waiting for renewal
Springtime brings
The jewels
Of baby leaves
Like baby Jesus
Bringing hope
The scope of which cannot be told
But felt within as like a blanket soft
The Holy breathes new life
Relieving us of grieving
As the Spirit holds us
In its arms
Of newborn leaves
Some sections are entitled “Oneness” , “Duality and Diversity”, “Be the Trinity”, and “Four Quadrants of the Heart”.
Four compartments has the heart,
Housing all its qualities;
Two Yin, two Yang chambers apart
Meet Soul at their interstices
Stout hearted,
Tender hearted
Heart both Yang and Yin
Four chambered gem you are
Soul is found within
Our Soul contains our humanness
Embraces each securely.
While holding us together as a being,
Holding us in love,
It also flows forth
Far it goes
Then farther on beyond
Until it merges with the ALL
Where we are surely One.
Diversity, a certainty
Equal we can’t be
In terms of energy
Nor talent, beauty;
But equally we share
A Soulful goal,
Our choice to serve collectively,
Perhaps a duty,
Which is: to know our wholeness.
This is ALL we’re here for.
We are here for ALL,
Our wholeness, knowing of it
Tells us our totality,
Shows us equally the holy, All That Is.
That is all;
Within ourselves
As it is so
Without –
That is, within the great Beyond.
Simply, this is it –
To know,
Then go