The Power of
Forgiveness & Acceptance
Acceptance is the birth of liberation from anxiety.
Acceptance is the key segment to this whole program, because acceptance is done out of your own power and intention. It is the deeper understanding of the greater picture and your proper place in it. Acceptance does not mean surrender, it means understanding things as they are.
Surrender means giving up, especially to the power of others or other forces. It is the yielding of oneself to the whims of others, with a sense of defeat and disempowerment. However, acceptance brings a receiving, a welcoming into a group, finding yourself suitable and being accepted. This act of accepting is most powerful when done by you and of you. Accepting yourself into the exclusive club of you. You give yourself permission to be you, in the highest, purest way; not allowing yourself to degenerate and be mean to others and do as you please regardless of others’ well-being, but being tolerant of your own delicate parts of your heart and soul. My favorite acceptance statement is:
"It is Okay to be me."
Say it now, at least five times and notice the reverberation it creates within you.
When you do not accept things as they are, you suffer greatly, and that is most of the suffering you are experiencing. You do not accept your own vulnerability, you do not accept others as they are, you do not see the world in an objective manner so, in other words, acceptance is the birth of expanded awareness. The awareness and perspective that you provide yourself on anything and everything.
Acceptance releases the shackles of anxiety from your energy system. Accepting that things can be different, life does not have to be this way. It is like having Harry Houdini on your side untangling you completely out of something you thought could not be untangled. The liberation is profound since you are truly releasing yourself on so many levels, and energetically, it is the most important work. It is the energy of entanglement that places your thought in the captivity of anxiousness and constricts your body and your muscles from allowing the natural flow of things. Therefore, bringing the dis-ease the body feels, not allowing the body to receive the natural flow.
Acceptance is the main ingredient in the liberation of your soul from the binds of anxiety.
Many people enter my office completely engulfed in their anxiousness. Measuring their wellness by how bad the anxiety was throughout the week. They are so skewed that they cannot see the world in any other way, it is all consuming and exhausting. At that point it, is the frustration they experience about themselves, not accepting self, filled with the self-judgment, frustration, anger, and expectations that perpetuate the cycle of non-acceptance.
So how do you do it?
A client just told me yesterday that working with the subconscious has shifted him completely in ways that he could not achieve otherwise. He intellectually knew how he is supposed to view the world, but could not integrate it to his entire being and really feel and think this way. The deeper work with the subconscious and soul level brought this change and helped create the shift he needed to really operate from that space of acceptance and compassion that he had sought previously and could not grasp.
Listen to the meditations and self-hypnosis recordings I have made for this program, as they will truly help you shift on a deeper level. This is not a simple re-programming of the brain as some might describe it. It will shift your energetic body, physical body, and release you from the karmic cycle you have gathered in other lives, as well. It is a re-patterning of your own energies, and everything is energy. Our thoughts and emotions are simply at the forefront of the "true experiencer", your soul. Some call it inner-being, consciousness. Please accept that it is part of your greater self, whatever you are comfortable calling it based on your current perception and belief system.
The process of acceptance is quite personal and requires your full intent in creating it. Acceptance is the process of bringing unconditional love into the situation. Sprinkle in plenty of forgiveness and kindness and it will start tasting more and more like freedom and liberation from anxiety.
Let's try and get more intimate with the feelings of forgiveness and acceptance.
It is true that the overwhelming emotion is fear, but there are many others that need to be addressed in order to bring healing and reconciliation within.
It is hard to pinpoint when you first think of the events that bring anxiety, but there is plenty of blame: judgment, frustration, and disappointment in ourselves when thinking of this anxiety.
I know that when I say this you will feel the resistance within you to forgiving yourself for what happened or accepting it as an event. But it is time to acknowledge it and be KIND to yourself.
You may ask, "What am I forgiving myself for?"
Forgiving self for allowing this to happen, for becoming vulnerable at the wrong time, in front of others, for feeling fear when I know it is misplaced. These are all harsh judgments of self that come from the EGO. "What will they say if they knew I am having a panic attack?” “They will think I am weak, that I cannot handle it, they will see me for who I really am, I might die, I will lose control...." and on and on and on.
Release yourself from this pre-built judgment system that right now is actually causing the fear of anxiety attack, and the fear that it might happen anywhere - while I'm driving, while I'm at a meeting, while presenting, while I am alone and there will be no one to help me. Forgive yourself that it happened, forgive yourself that it might happen, forgive yourself that it is happening - It's OK.
Here is a good affirmation to address this issue, and we will do it also in the self-hypnosis recording that will help you integrate it deeper inside your subconscious. So let's do it now.
EXERCISE: Forgiveness and Acceptance.
Feel that these words have power to release it from inside your body, really feel them flowing out right as you say them. Feel the power of your words and conviction. Take a moment after each statement and allow it to take place.
Take a deep breath, release your breath very slowly, close your eyes and say:
"I release myself from all negative judgments!"
Take another slow breath and say:
"I fully and wholly forgive myself for experiencing anxiety!"
Another slow breath and say:
"I fully and wholly accept myself and know deep inside that it is OK to be me!"
I already know that at this point it might be hard for you to truly believe it, and you have just realized how much you were judging yourself. It is key to repeat these statements at least once a day. Like all other affirmations, you will do in this book, they are vital to the change that you desire. They are one of the most powerful tools you have to create the shift you desire - Use them! The repetition will open the possibility to creating a new belief system.
Take the time now and process this new approach and reflect on how much you have not accepted or forgiven yourself, and you will notice the liberation that comes from doing so!