“Why are we here? What is the purpose of all this?”
“You are here because you chose to be here.
It really is that simple.
You chose this life because you have something to learn while you are here.
What your purpose is, what you have to learn is perfectly tied in with the purposes of those around you and sometimes someone else’s purpose is stronger. Or conversely your purpose is stronger than someone else’s.”
“So I could be here for someone else’s purpose?”
“Think about this example: you might ask what a baby who died in childbirth or very early on in its life, what its purpose was. Well its purpose might have been to experience conception, being in the womb or even birth to prepare itself for its next journey or something similar.
But just as important is linked into that purpose is what it had to teach those it left behind.
From every experience there is something to learn and losing a child would be a great learning experience and by great I mean big, not fantastic. Please don’t misconstrue that! So therefore the baby is here to help complete the purpose of the parent.”
“That won’t be easy for some people to get their heads around. A baby dying is a very sad thing: the life the baby has missed out on.”
“You must also remember that time is not linear so although you might think it’s sad that the child only had a small life in terms of years; in the spiritual realm it is all the same.
100 years is just the same as 100 seconds, and just as valuable.”
“I’m not sure, “that we chose to be here” is going to satisfy many people. Who or what are we if we are able to make this decision?”
“Are you ready for this? The answer to the question, what is life?
We are Love.
Pure and simple.
There is nothing else in this world, or any other world for that matter. Anything that appears different in any way is merely the absence of Love and the most effective way of ridding yourself of lack is by filling yourself up with what’s missing – in this case Love.
Fill yourself with Love and you will only see Love.
Also, everything in this world is perfect.”
“Everything can’t be perfect” I blurt out in response.
“Yes it can, and it is. If something doesn’t work out the way you want or have planned remember it’s still perfect.
It just means that it wasn’t supposed to work out that way, it was supposed to happen this way and the main thing to remember is what do I have to learn from this experience?
Think about situations in your past that didn’t happen the way you would have wanted at the time and remind yourself that it had to happen that way for you to end up here, now. Or as it’s often said now here or nowhere, it’s just a difference in phrasing.”
“Nowhere is now here. I like that!”
“If nowhere is perfect then now here is also perfect.
Think about your acting career. You came close to some pretty big roles but never quite landed them. Imagine if you had got those roles there is no way you would be as receptive to my words as you are now. You would be a very different person indeed and my guess would be a very Ego dominated individual!”
Dad’s right. Although my acting career never really got off the ground I don’t regret letting it fall away. The “industry” became something that didn’t sit well with me, and although at the time I was not happy about losing out on some pretty big roles, I now know in my heart it was for the right reason.
“If you take the opinion that every decision you make is the right one, then it takes a lot of pressure off you, and you will invariably make decisions which bring you joy and advancement.
There is not one thing in your past that did not work out.
I used to get accused of being someone who has a "she'll be right" attitude, and I did have such an attitude. Everything always turned out the way it did for a reason.
In my whole life there wasn’t anything that didn't end up all right in the end. Even the so-called tragedies. I can talk about my life in its entirety because it has concluded; yours is still in its infancy.”
Dad talking about his life being over makes me remember that I am standing here talking to my dead father. A man I haven’t seen in 21 years as he passed away when I was twenty years old.
“Is this what you mean?
Before you died I Loved you very much, and still miss you greatly, however if you hadn't have died I wouldn't have learnt the lesson I learned. Neither would have you, neither would have everyone else around you. “
Dad walks over to me and hugs me; it’s our first physical contact in over two decades.
“Everything happens for a reason and that reason is now and now is perfect.
There is perfection in nature. Billions of species of physical life exist on Earth and each one works in with the perfect plan in ways many of us can’t comprehend.”
“I read something fascinating the other day that goes along with what you’re saying. Did you know that when phytoplanktons are in warmer waters they release a chemical called dimethyl sulphoniopropionate or DMSP for short? This chemical is necessary for the formation of clouds in our atmosphere and therefore rainfall and of course life. So when things get too warm these water bound creatures create rain to cool things down. Perfection.”
“Everything works in harmony, everything works in perfection.”
“But what about the horrible atrocities happening in the world, or in mankind’s history?”
“Well as a wise man once said, these things don’t exist in my world.”
“This doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to things, but it does mean re-evaluating your interpretation of them. See them as divine lessons to be learned and being learned, and make sure you learn the lesson!
When you accept that everything is perfect and how it is supposed to be right here and right now then it takes a lot of responsibility off your shoulders. You aren't responsible for fixing the world, as it doesn't need fixing.
You arrive when you're supposed to arrive; you leave when you're supposed to.
You receive what you're supposed to receive and give whatever is needed at that time.
If you believe that everything is perfect then you are able to let go of judgement a lot easier.”
“How do I get other people to do this, to think this way?”
“By being a beacon for others.
Saint Francis of Assisi puts it beautifully in the opening line of his famous prayer,
“Lord let me be an instrument of thy peace.”
By being an instrument of God you become a shining Light, raise vibrations and inspire those around us in the same way Jesus did and in the same way Saint Francis wanted in his prayer.
Imagine that by being a beacon of Light, Love and Joy then that will affect others much in the same way a Lighthouse beacon does.
“A Lighthouse beacon?”
“The Lighthouse doesn’t warn people about rocks or land it just shines. People on the water see it and recognise it for what it is and make the choice in their own head as what to do based on their knowledge at the time.
The Lighthouse is just passive and just shines its Light for others to see.
Strive to be similar – and at the same time recognise those other beacons around you. And just like the Lighthouse, their beacons don’t tell you anything; it’s in what you know and who you are that your interpretation of their beacon lies.”