The AlcheMystic Food ForeThought

by Terra Christa

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/04/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781452597195

About the Book

After A Spiritual Awakening, where she experienced the Oneness of US All, Terra Christa found it impossible to live life based on the everydayism of who she was, and asked God/US (Universal Source) for A manual.

AlcheMystic Food ForeThought birthed from the mountain of questions she had about love, and life, and the conditions blocking her from living her Truth. The answers became her manual, and took her on a written quest deep into her psyche, as well as sacred places all over the planet.

The book is written in an Alchemical way to heighten the inner senses of the reader. The style and essence bypass mini/ego's hold on thought, while simultaneously re-minding US of our own Truth… revealing life as more than just some series of random experiences. Life is A way WE explore and discover Being… One Self in the most joyful fundamental way.

Are you absolutely sure you would love to know your Self, your heart's deepest Truth, and your purpose in life?

Are you confident you can embrace the real meaning of life, your strength and power within, and your eternal connection with God in US?

Are you positive you have it in you to get through your own AlcheMystic Rite of Passage into the fifth dimension?

If you're absolutely sure, confident, and positive, then The AlcheMystic Food ForeThought can confirm what you are all ready to know.

If, however, there is any apprehension, Terra offers you her manual, where many of her questions are solved, fears are dissolved, and doubts are resolved during her own personal AlcheMystic journey to discover A Golden Means of love and life.

Are you all ready too… Take the Leap!

You are all so welcome to visit and explore more about the nature of an AlcheMystic.

About the Author

As a clairsentient and AlcheMystic artist, writer and empathic facilitator of the healing arts for 25 years, Terra developed the ability to expand the magnetic field for the soul purpose of Ascension.  After an awakening in 1987, the year of the Harmonic Conversion, where she experienced her Self one with everything and everyone, she left the corporate world and began her journey of Self Discover; A journey that has taken her all over the world.  From the Great Cathedrals of Europe and the Western world, to the Kivas of the Great Western Plains; from the Spirit of India to the temples of Bali; from mosques, churches, and temples of numerous beliefs, to sacred places such as the Batu Cave in Kuala Lumpur, Stonehenge in England, or Damanhur in Italy, where past and future meet HERE NOW.

In her search for Self, she has found A unique oneness.  Though each encounter has honed her innate AlcheMystic abilities, her greatest teacher she has found within.  The calm, subtle, yet commanding inner voice has patiently taught and guided her through all odds and odysseys to THAT reality… Beyond.

                                   THAT being the same "I am THAT I am" Christ speaks of.

In 1994, after healing from cervical cancer and then a stroke, she had a magical encounter with a Balinese Healer who heightened her professional accuracy.  This meeting was foretold to her by her inner guidance in a morning meditation six months earlier.  Within a year, after the prophesized death of the Balian, she developed GenIsis2; an energy transfer that opens and aligns the Initiate, the Star Child, the Avatar, the AlcheMystic to their own Genetic DNA coding.

After seven years in New York City working with GenIsis2, she asked her Self how she could better share her AlcheMystic Gifts.  Within two months she was in California where she spent several years editing and aligning the mountains of writing she had compiled over the years around and about her obvious serendipitous experiences.

Her AlcheMystic books are written in an Alchemical way to heighten the inner senses of the reader.  The style and essence opens the mind and heart to reveal life as more than just some series of random experiences.  Life is A way we, as Hue~Women, explore and discover Being... One Self.

Born and raised on the outskirts of Springfield, Anywhere USA, she is Here Now A citizen of A New World.