“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalms 118:24 (NIV)
Everybody wants to live a great life.
That is one thing we all have in common – the pursuit of a living a life we would consider to be a great one. We all want to be successful in business, we all want to be healthy, we all want to have fantastic relationships, and we all want all of that right now. So – why are so many of us not living the great lives we want to live?
It’s not that we don’t have any information out there that can help us after all. There are - as a result of all that wanting to be great- thousands and thousands of books available that are written to help people have a great life, be happier, be healthier and have more meaningful relationships.
Some of them claim you can change your life in 30 days, or even as quickly as 7 days. Permanent change usually takes longer than that of course, we all know that deep down even if we sometimes try and pretend we don’t. Making real and permanent changes to your life doesn’t happen quickly, and in some cases, doesn’t happen easily either. Maybe that’s part of the reason there are thousands of self-help books out there instead of just a few dozen.
If it was easy, everybody would do it. If we could do it quickly, we’d only need to read one book and we’d be on our way to the greatest life ever!
I’ve read a lot of the books that are out there and many of them have been very helpful in my personal pursuit of a better existence. Many of them are similar in nature and are saying the same things, but many of them also offer a lot of good information and provide motivation and advice that can indeed help people live better lives. Many of them have worked for me over the past few decades that I’ve been reading them.
Some of them, however, frankly are just knock-offs of the same ideas we’ve heard over and over again. And honestly, I am pretty suspicious of a book that claims it can make you a success written by somebody that hasn’t had a great deal of success in their own lives. The “do as I say, not as I have done” mantra doesn’t work for me.
I once read a book about how to be a media star for instance, written by a guy I know personally who has never held a media job in his life. I don’t know how that book did, but I hope it did better than that guy’s personal career turned out.
Some of the other books out there present deep, complicated theories that you have to try and grasp in order to change your thinking and attract prosperity into your life. I tend to get a little fuzzy-headed reading some of these. Sorry, I only have a university degree and 30-plus years of business experience to draw on, guess I’m not smart enough to follow some of those.
But again, the mere fact that there are so many of them on the shelves shows that we need a lot of help trying to figure out how to take an average life and turn it into a great one. Surely, I have always thought, there must be a simple way of improving our lives without having to read hundreds or even thousands of life improvement books? I mean honestly, how much time does anyone have to really read and study life improvement – if you had to read every book out there on the subject, you’d be dead before you could finish all of them, or at the very least too old to be able to do anything practical with all that wisdom!
Here is the honest truth. No one book is going to change your life. You are going to change your life if you really want to, and hopefully a book can help. And if you are really lucky, you will find just a few books that get you going towards making your life great. By all means read a lot them because they fill your mind with great ideas and keep you motivated, but life is too short for most of us to spend decades studying how to make it great.
I will admit I have read hundreds of these books and I’m glad I did, despite the obvious sarcasm in the last few paragraphs. These books have helped me garner a lot of information that I’m sharing in these pages, and I will likely read hundreds more in the coming years because you can never get enough motivation and inspiration on an ongoing basis.
But here’s the thing I found out after nearly 35 years in a successful sports media career, after having read more than 1,500 books of all kinds, and after many years as a teacher and life coach – it all starts with living just one great day at a time. It is no more complicated than that.
A great life is a matter of living one great day at a time and practicing the same habits over and over again on a daily basis. It does indeed take a long time to have a great and successful life, but it doesn’t take very much time at all to have a great day.
Of course you cannot change your entire life situations quickly. But you can change your day IMMEDIATELY and if you get in the habit of doing that every day, your great days will become great weeks which will become great months which will become great years which will become a great life.
It’s sometimes overwhelming to even begin to tackle all that you need to do to live a great life, so I’m telling you to forget about all of that right now and concentrate on just one thing – making this the greatest day ever.