Before we were brought into this current life experience, there was already in existence, an established realm of unconsciousness, or unawareness of the Truth of who and what we are, and our purpose for being here. This is the realm that we like to refer to as “The Box”, or the mental-self created enclosure that we are only unaware that we construct, that only serves to cloud our minds from our truest reality. From our first breath, we begin to be bombarded with information. This information, or “story”, of who and what we are, did not come forth in a short period of time. In fact, quite the contrary is true. This story, has been handed down, and mentally accepted, from generation to generation. Our parents were told by their parents, their parents were told by their parents, and on and on back through the ages of our ancestry. So long, in fact, that it has strongly solidified or engrained these beliefs into our mentalities. These are the beliefs that we end up choosing to use to create and shape our own, personal, as well as collective, life experiences. We strictly adhere to these beliefs because down through the ages, most of us have simply not brought forth the courage to question any of it. I mean, if this is the way, it has been for so long, carried forward by so many, then, who am I to question any of it? Right? If we were to question any of it, then it would bring All of it into question, not to mention, All whom have repeatedly handed it forward. That thought, of all of the judgement and condemnation that would be associated with that act, would certainly be deemed as a blatant dishonor and disrespect to our very lineage, as well as the culture that it has formed. This being so unthinkable, that it can only provoke fear. To face that fear, would be to say that maybe our ancestors were misguided or perhaps they got it distorted somehow. It would be to face the very accountability of your own Self having to somehow come to, and embrace what is Actually True. It would mean to have true faith in your own ability to receive the information within (True Faith in the God Within). This would only serve to challenge all of that family (as well as cultural), history that has always told us that we are not connected to God, and therefore to assume that any individual, (that wasn’t anointed to do so), could do so, would certainly be acting or talking out “against” God. This would certainly be blasphemy in the judgmental eyes of those who have only perpetuated this whole illusion. And so, like helpless, mindless sheep, that can only seem to follow the massive herd, we relent our Self reliance. We relent it to all that we have been told, and we proceed accordingly. What this relenting of our Self-reliance does, is it causes us to choose to base our mental Life foundation or the mentality from which we begin to draw and create our own life experience from, on what we have only chosen to believe to be True from the elders of our family of cultural ancestry. We are essentially given a name and led by the hand into a world, that through unconsciousness, reinforces it’s own accepted limitations. When we are in the womb, we need nothing. Everything is automatically done for us, and we have no concept of limitation, because we have just been brought forth by the Divine energy that has created All, and it needs nothing, and only operates from the divine realm of possibility. It was not the intent of our parents to breed us into a state of mental enslavement that would only have us to forget this truth, but they to, like us, have only been led into this state just as we have been. So, we unwittingly choose what all of our so called role-models bring to us, via their words, actions, mentalities and behaviors. Now, you may ask yourself “How is it that such a young child can be capable of making a choice?” “They are just a child.” It’s not that a child willingly allows themselves to be led into unconsciousness, it’s just that they are unaware that there is a better choice to be made. The process is, that once a child comes forth, they simply start to mentally forget the perfection and divinity that just brought them forth. With all that is pushed on us, from all of the various sources we are exposed to, our minds are trained to accept that our identity, lies somewhere within all that we are told and shown, which the collective mentality of our society, would have us believe is to be obtained from outside of us. So much so, that our minds carry our thoughts further and further away from the truth, away from our original nature. This is where “The Box” begins to take it’s form. The walls begin to take shape, slowly creating an enclosure for the illusion from the instilled belief that life, is confined by limitations. As we grow, we are exposed to multiple sources of influence that continually reinforce the minds complete emergence into this illusion. These other influencing sources, the nails which hold the walls together, include our schools, religions, governments, media, etc... The reason these entities all perpetuate altered-ego illusion, is because they are all products of, or come from, altered-ego illusory thinking. This is the basis of the false sense of self that we know as the altered-ego. The altered-ego is our false sense of who we believe we are, or our false identity. It causes us to base our self-worth on external factors, such as; what we do, what we have, or what others think of us. The reality is that these are all mainly thought processes, or trained ways of thinking that have been strengthened, perpetuated and handed down from unconscious minds to other unconscious minds, without the understanding of awareness, or consciousness of the true, unaltered ego of our divine nature, of our eternal connection to the Source of all of creation. It causes us to believe that we are separate from everything, each other, and that we are separate from our Creator. The Source, or God, is whole, perfect and complete, and needs nothing, because it is the consciousness, or platform, from which All that is, is created. This misaligned, unconsciously chosen mental state of the altered human ego, is the root of all of the forms of discord that we create and experience with ourselves, other humans, and the nature of our planet. Hence the importance of the understanding that we are bringing forth with these writings. It is this altered-ego which is the lid that holds the content of the mental illusion in place.