The Silent Echo
One night as I sat with and in the Father’s presence, HE said that HE desired to speak of the Silent Echo. I was intrigued by the topic, but experience taught me to listen and go with the flow of HIS thoughts.
Silence is not a feature which breeds comfort in a world that is braced within the parameters of activity. In this flurry, much is missed that can otherwise be a catalyst to man’s supreme enlightenment. I will speak to you through the analogy of a heartbeat.
You cannot usually hear your heartbeat unless you sensitise your outer ears through the instrument of a stethoscope. You cannot feel your heartbeat, save perhaps through physical exertion. Your outer senses, must with the aid of something other than itself become attuned to your heartbeat. It does not mean that your heart is not beating. It beats whether or not you can hear or feel it. It keeps your physical body alive.
Likewise, I would like you to think of the celestial heartbeat. This heartbeat is evidenced through the knowing of your inner senses rather than your outer senses. Your inner senses can know it through the experiencing of its rhythm. As your inner senses become attuned, it will be able to hear and feel the celestial rhythmic heartbeat. It is most present and alive. Your inability to hear and feel it does not mean it is absent or non-existent; much like the beat of your physical heart.
To hear the celestial heartbeat you need to experience quiet endurance. This simply means that you must persevere with the intention and desire to hear and feel. This may be challenging for many who are pre disposed to being guided by the outer senses. It may take some time to acclimatise to the inner senses which you can begin to know through quiet communion. In this way they will respond, by providing you with insight, through inspiration and visions. As you engage in continuous communion with these senses, they become stimulated and begin to work for you. In time your inner awareness will grow as your inner senses become practiced. A whole new world (your inner world) will open up for you and you will begin to explore a new yet familiar dimension within yourself.
Your inner senses are governed by your higher mind or consciousness. It is these senses that will avail you of the cosmic or celestial heartbeat. This heartbeat tirelessly echoes into the consciousness of the children of the universe, prompting them to get in touch with the higher beat of life.
It is time to hear that silent echo and respond. If you cannot find this heartbeat, hear it, feel it and become one with it, you cannot find your immortal soul, and you cannot know life. As your physical heart keeps your mortal body alive, the celestial heart beat keeps your soul alive.
The Father said if I were to listen to my physical heartbeat I would hear the rhythm “I AM, I AM, I AM”, for the physical heartbeat is a replica of the celestial beat.