We all go through learning at different times in our lives and some experience traumas from early childhood, which can be a difficult matter to keep in the past, without revisiting them time and time again. It can be a difficult matter to release these experiences until we find the key within ourselves to release the unsettling times and turn them into Gifts.
There are two different sections to this book. Today there are many different forms of healing available to us and they can be valuable tools to assist us, yet sometimes the past comes back to haunt us. In this book it shows you a method that can assist in those times.
The first four parts are about the understanding that you are not alone, that all of us have had our own unique learning experiences the moment we enter this earthly plane. The last section is an active learning where you can work through your own concerns on how your journey has affected you, mentally physically spiritually and emotionally. To assist in knowing what actions you can take to release the past, for the most important experiences are the ones we learn in the present, by keeping in mind our pasts, to avoid going through the same experiences over and over, which in itself can be difficult and confusing. This book is a method of releasing the past experiences, to create new learning that assist us in growing as human and Spirit beings.
Belief in yourself and your Spirituality is a big part of this book, for we all look for answers to assist us in soothing the soul, the mind, our emotions and physical concerns. This “Soul Searching” can lead us down many paths and sometimes can be confusing with feelings of lost that often occur until we find our answers from within. To quote from an ancient source “To heal the body, first we must heal the mind” which was said by Plato around 842BC. We as human beings have been looking for answers in our healing since the dawn of humanity and each one of us holds the keys through our experiences within ourselves, to find our healing path.
In chapter one, part one “Track you own evolution” can bring up traumas from the past, but can also be a Gift in seeing how these events have affected our lives and progress. Once you discover these answers you may surprise yourself on how much power you really have and it can also assist in finding how these experiences have created the person you are today.
We all have heard of Vampires and some people truly believe that they exist. In chapter three “Are you an emotional Vampire?” I wrote about how there are people who feed off others, through control, abuse, negative thinking and feelings. This chapter is about how to protect you from those influences. It can turn your life around in creating a person who does not accept this form of behaviour from others.
We can often be bombarded with negative emotions of others, and this can cause us to lack in confidence within. Protecting ourselves from these forces can be a difficult matter until we learn the key on how to guard against them. There will always be negative influences around us, but once you discover how to use your power within, these forces will not affect you as they have in the past. Negative and positive are intrinsically linked for the Universe cannot exist without both of these energies. It is up to ourselves on which we prefer to live in. I personally believe it is better to see the good rather than the negative, but also to be aware that there are always two sides and it is a matter of choice in which side you choose. It is also important to see a person as they really are, with both positive and negative aspects of their being, for the whole picture is better than half of the picture and gives a greater understanding of reality.
Contemplation, meditation, is a valuable source to sort through any concerns, to create the balance of your inner soul needs. The world today is filled with stressful situations and managing our routine or way of life, can be filled with many obstacles. You can imagine how important it is to find ways of releasing stress, in a healthy manner, for it can cause concerns Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Taking time for yourself can be a difficult matter, but finding the time can be a valuable tool to finding ways of releasing your stresses. It is just as important as creating your goals and desires in life. The interactive part of this book was designed to assist in sorting through your concerns and finding the steps to create your balance. This simple method of looking at you mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally and actions for change, gives a full picture of the healing process.
“Action” is an important key here, for when going through a healing process of “change” it is necessary to follow through to find your answers in life. For without action, it is a thought process that can lead to confusion and lacking in self-confidence, without following through the changes you require in healing.
Imagine feeling free and in full command of your destination, anything is possible if you truly believe. Be all you can be, for you deserve to be yourself, to be able to live your life with love, freedom and balance. Walk through your fear, for fear is only the imaginations of the mind.
Wonderful things can happen when you release your past experiences and learning It brings you into the present, the here and now and this is where you can experience true love – balance, and a heart that is not heavy, but light and joyous.