My Feelings Are Mine to Have

Love, Happy, Sad, Afraid, Anger

by Melissa Moreno LCSW

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781452560496

About the Book

This book provides easy-to-understand examples of how to start talking with children about their emotions. For twenty years Melissa Moreno, LCSW, has worked with thousands of children who are unable to identify and verbalize their feelings in a healthy, nonviolent manner. The author uses art to help children express and identify how they are feeling. These techniques and illustrations can aid children of all ages and races in achieving better self-awareness. As you will learn, emotions feel differently for each of us.

“This is a simple way to help children talk about how they feel.” —Catherine VanDine, BS
“Beautiful, unique, one of a kind illustrations.” —Marcy Hogan, BA

About the Author

Melissa Moreno, LCSW, is clinical social worker in New York State. In this book, she presents simple, easy to understand examples of how to start talking with children about their emotions. She draws in her twenty years of experience working with children within the social services, juvenile justice, military installation programs, and her private practice.

As a licensed clinical social worker, she has been active in community development and advocacy for children and families at the local, state and national levels. She has worked with thousands of children who were unable to identify and verbalize their feelings in a healthy, nonviolent manner. Through her personal and professional experiences, she has learned the importance of helping children explore and identify their emotions. Teaching children how to identify and verbalize their emotions is an important skill to teach every child.

Melissa Moreno, LCSW, is an expert in her field. Her focus is to teach women and children empowerment and self-development. She is the owner of Finding My Solutions LLC and has used the examples from this book in her private practice. This book is a valuable tool for parents, teachers, or anyone working with young children.