It All Begins with You

Be the Change Our World Needs

by Valandou Contzonis

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/03/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781504310987

About the Book

When a caterpillar enters the stage of chrysalis, its body disintegrates to form a butterfly. The old form dies, and a new form is born. But the butterfly must break free from its cocoon to spread its wings and reach new heights. Without struggling, its coloured wings would not be strong enough to allow it to fly. Many children, teenagers, and adults find themselves in a similar situation—they know they are in the caterpillar stage of life, and they realize it’s time to transform. This book is a rallying cry to create and usher in change within ourselves and in others so we can realize our destiny. By using our voices, hearts, and minds, we can bring back peace, unity, and love. It’s important to remind yourself what you may have forgotten on your journey so far: that you are a human being who has the power to change your situation from a negative to a positive, from unfulfilling to fulfilling. Commit to the present and shape your tomorrow with the lessons in It All Begins with You.

About the Author

Valandou Contzonis is a compassionate soul who loves the world and all its life. She believes that all beings can contribute a spark to bring about change to the world, and she craves to see a future where we live in peace, love, and harmony.