The Chris Letters

From the Source

by Craig Gutchow

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/09/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781452558721

About the Book

Who is it that seeks to know themselves?
Is it perhaps only the introspective few
who are the true seekers of life’s meaning?
Indeed not. It is all who seek, however, in their own measure of time. When does the need to know become critical? It is usually when one is seriously beset or hard pressed do we look to a higher power for answers and assistance. But for many in their time of seeking, there is only silence in return; or perhaps a subtle feeling or message that, despite the days challenges, all will be well, and that in the end, we shall prevail. Indeed you will prevail, for all of us are eternal beings. We are not of this world, and we are only here in transit. The clarity of this and life’s questions are progressively laid out and defined within the inner contents of The Chris Letters, unearthed from an ancient and deep source.

About the Author

Craig Gutchow
The author is a communicator, a conveyor of knowledge sourced deep from within our dimension to yours; a human bridge if you will, from which spiritual knowledge may cross over for the benefit of Human Kind.