It's been 8 years since that fateful night. A spark was ignited in me at a time in my life where I needed answers. It came from of all places a Public Broadcast Service hosted by the one and only Dr. Wayne W Dyer. Some would call what happened to me an Awakening and I guess I would have to agree. Heck, I was in a state of blissfulness for 3 weeks soon after that night. People close to me saw and understood that something trans formative was happening. Others thought I had gone mad.
Prior to all of this, I was just another guy, married to a beautiful woman who loved me very much with 3 incredibly God sent children. I worked at a job that paid the bills and socialized here, there and everywhere with family and friends. Privately though I was struggling with how I was as a person, a Husband and a Father. I knew deep down that things had to change with me. I wanted to change. I wanted to be a better person, a happier and calmer human being. I was a good guy but I wasn't always living that way. And those pesky little bad habits that aren't healthy for a person kept intruding, keeping me from reaching a state of peace.
I was 35 when I realized there had to be more to life than this daily grind of work, party, sleep and work some more. Everything around me seemed to blend into the next thing - living the same old thing over and over and over. I wasn't just going through the motions of life, work and family, I was unsettled, unhappy and frustrated all at the same time. I certainly had no reason to be as I was healthy, I had a roof over my head, food on the table and a family who loved and supported me. And yet living this way was not enough anymore. Something was creating inner turmoil to a point where my children were starting to witness too much. I was becoming more and more unsettled. My crankiness reached a level where even I did not understand it. Not to mention the impact it had on the household.
I knew work was not going to change and I loved my family very much, but something was amiss and things were starting to burst at the seams – especially concerning my emotional state of mind. So I privately asked for HELP – literally and figuratively. Who was I asking? I guess as a person of faith I was asking God or any other powerful being to help me get out of this rut. Life wasn't fun anymore. It was mundane, hard work, too much responsibility, stressful, complicated, demanding, fast paced, mean, aggressive at times and relentless on its requirements of me.
Then one evening, as though someone had decided to have fun with me, I landed on a Public Broadcast Service (PBS) channel where some guy was yacking about life and our purpose in it. At the time I had no Idea who this person was but his sh-peel was making a lot of sense to me. For those of you who don't know Dr. Dyer, he has written many self-help books on life and spirituality - to me he is a spiritual teacher and “Ascended Master” if you will.
Anyway, I was transfixed on that channel. Every word spoken by Dr. Dyer seemed to give me an increased feeling of hope and understanding. It was as though he was specifically talking to me about my issues and concerns. I'm not sure how my wife felt about me as I ignored most of the family while watching the broadcast about life. I suppose she heard bits and pieces of the telecast and realized this was something I needed to hear and so I was left to listen without much interruption. It was the most important thing that could have happened to me at that time. This guy, Dr. Wayne W Dyer, knew what he was talking about and I was definitely going to follow up on some of his books he'd written. I needed to learn more.
It dawned on me at that moment that it was possible my requests and prayers for help were finally being answered and I was not about to question anything that crossed my path. By the time the show was done it sure felt like I was on my way to getting some direction on how to improve my situation. There are not enough words to explain the importance of that chance encounter with Dr. Dyer which quite specifically catapulted me on a new path of discovery. At that moment I knew that although there was work to be done to improve the way I was thinking and reacting to life, I now had direction and specific instructions on how to change things around me. Thus began my journey.
I ordered a package from the show which included a book written by Dr. Dyer and a meditation type manual with a cd to help me get started. By the time my book order arrived (“Getting in the Gap” Making Conscious Contact with God through Meditation) - one of many books from Dr. Dyer, I was fired up and ready. I even remember making a promise to myself that this new path and journey I was embarking on was one thing I would see all the way through. There was no way I was turning back to the old path. It was threatening my marriage and hurting my children. That would not work for me anymore. “Bring on the new path, I'm ready”.
I have never had this amount of conviction and determination about anything in my life like I have with this journey of discovery. Whatever has caused me to be so steadfast with the decision to change - I am grateful for it. For 7 years I read self-help, motivational and inspirational books. During this time I questioned, contemplated, studied, listened to audio cd's, meditated, observed, practiced, learned and prayed; until finally I came to the conclusion it was time. I am ready no matter the outcome. Now is the time to release all I have learned since my journey of getting to know me began. From the age of 35 to 42 many lessons have been learned.
Fortunately during this time twitter came along and believe it or not, but creating my twitter account triggered me to start writing, to become a “wanna be” Author. I wrote 11 tweets which essentially have become the titles for each chapter in my book. Go figure. In fact when I wrote the eleventh tweet, I knew I was done writing and that these tweets had to be part of a book (see appendix 1 for exact tweets).
If you, whoever you are, are reading this book right now, then know I have made it. I have made it to a place of relative clarity, humility and peacefulness. My wish is that these words I share with you today help you in your journey of discovery. Enclosed in this book are truths and beliefs that are found in every human being. May your process of evolving to a higher state, to a better you, the true leader, the true warrior, the real you, the happier you, the peaceful you begin.
I use to have a hard time saying God bless, but today I wish you only happiness, health, peace, love and joy. May God, the source, pure energy or whatever form you wish to call it, bless you for eternity.
Love Always
Tony Bosnjak