Happiness is here in the heart of each and every human
The mission of the Maktab e Tasavvof is to direct, train, teach and persuade people to create as much healthy, logical permanent happiness and satisfaction as practically possible for themselves, their family, their neighbour and the human society in general. The duty of this school is to teach and direct individuals as well as societies to believe that true happiness exists. This true happiness does not live outside the person, here, there or who knows where. To achieve true happiness and tranquility it is up to the individuals in particular and the societies in general to search inside themselves, surely they will find it there, as it is already there but covered with the desires of ego, worldly wants and uncontrolled instincts.
The school directs the disciples to respect and highly value the life of other creatures as being as equally valuable as their own. To a truly devoted Darvish, the interests and rights of all other people and creatures in Creation must be as valuable and equal to his own. A Darvish seizes the control of his life from egoistic desires and passions and submits total control of his actions to the Love from his heart. This is the hardest practice and is the greatest miracle a Darvish performs.
When people are sincere and meek they will feel internal peace, tranquility and happiness. When one is not greedy there is no reason for him not to be relaxed, if a person is not corrupt, then why should he be afraid of law, investigation, and punishment or being afraid of his superiors?
A Darvish believes that people are content, happy, successful, calm and relaxed and can make right judgments when their life is conducted through their heartfelt love.
True Darvishes not only talk, they act and they work hard to direct other people to the right path; the path of love, peace and devotion. Darvishes hope to not only persuade others to believe in honesty and sincerity but to practice honesty and sincerity.
A Darvish feels this truth within and loves to discuss it, to convince others to understand this simple truth. A Darvish wishes others to feel real happiness, understanding that it is not in what they possess, but on the contrary, happiness depends on their own intention and how they accept the possibilities, abilities, wealth or qualities that have been given and granted to them even before entering this world. When people sincerely accept this they will find that what they have is enough to make them happy and satisfied with life; however the first step is that they must intend to and want to see it. Happiness does not come from outside, happiness does not come from anywhere else; happiness is already here inside Man, all that is required is that he must observe and enjoy.
Search for happiness inside your hearts, it is here, not on the distant horizon, it is here in you and all around you.
The intention of Darvish Masters has always been to teach this undeniable fact to their disciples. Peace and happiness is not in another unreachable world, on another planet, a world far away and untouchable, neither is it an unobtainable fantasy.
Happiness is here in the heart of each and every human. For the mind and the ego to understand this great fact and reality one must only surrender to the feelings of the heart.
I love them first and then they love me
The teaching and guidance of Sufism prepares Darvishes spiritually, as well as emotionally, mentally, morally and materially to be alert, sincerely, honestly, truly and truthfully well-prepared and ready to defend Hagh –The Truth- against Naa Hagh- untruth.
Anybody has the capacity and the ability to be a Darvish, in fact everyone is a Sufi, everyone is a lover of Hagh- The Truth- God, Allah, Khoda, Ahoora, or whatever name you wish to call your Beloved. It does not make any difference in His and your relationship; he is the Beloved as in His Holy Book.
What else can or may be as promising for Mankind as this great promise? Who else or what other message or promise can give and bring happiness to Man in comparison to such assurance?
Everyone loves innocence, purity and sincerity, in fact humans are born innocent and pure with all good and proper qualities. They are born in God’s LOVE and the person born in LOVE has all of the good qualities bestowed on him, what else is in this world can be compared to Love?
Much to our regret, it is time and circumstances, environment, social conditioning, and culture which affect some people and causes them to have wrong behaviour. These conditions persuade their devil mind and selfish desires to fully control and overtake their life, misdirecting them to make decisions desired by their ego. It is under such conditions and circumstances that these people completely ignore and/or forget the holy and high qualities bestowed upon them, it is sad.
Worry, fear, unhappiness, restlessness, grief, sadness, financial pressure, and one thousand and one other bitter and life threatening conditions are causing people to commit wrongful actions. The actions not only disturb the life of the person who has committed that wrongful action, but the unpleasant consequences of such wrong doing not only affect and remain in him and his life but it usually influences and reflects on the life of the next and even several generations in whom this persons’ genes are transferred to. Transient material pleasures fade while unpleasant consequences continue to exist. Isn’t this a crime?
In the course of teaching the followers of the path of Hagh – Truth- the methods of guidance, teaching, and directing which Sufism uses are from the first stage for the benefit of the disciples and Darvishes themselves. When those points, directions or subjects are practiced a person who is prepared and capable to control his desires, self-centering and unnecessary destructive passions and demands, he will become transformed and become relaxed, happy and released from a pressured life. For the person whose mind is disobedient and free from the leash of love and devotion, uncontrolled by the love and sincerity of his heart, then the worldly material desires will attack his happy life and overtake the control of his manners, leaving him with the angry, aggressive desires, passions and excessive demands and have a negative influence on his honesty, sincerity and true human qualities of his heart. Such person’s material thoughts will be out of control, permitting ego and egoistic expectations to overcome the mind and mislead it to make incorrect decisions.
A Darvish is the person who chooses for his existence to be governed by pure and proper principals. With the help of this intention and by sincere determination together with hard work he will achieve his constructive goal successfully. This person can be anybody, from anywhere, with any background, belief and from any sect, because for Hagh it is the intention, hopes and wishes, and the positive and constructive action of the person that are important, not his background or position, wealth or education.
Everyone is created from the LOVE of HAGH and his existence is mixed with that glorious LOVE. Yes the existence of Man is a mixture of LOVE and other high qualities, but LOVE has superiority. All qualities necessary to make Man happy are already bestowed upon him, it is up to the individual to make the proper use of them and gain benefit for himself as well as for all others.