The powerful book, Dismantling The Structure Of The Ego will focus upon recognizing yourself from the perspective of being Spirit and living from that Source, therefore dismantling the ego. You may believe conceptually that ego and Spirit have historically co-existed together to form your identity. Spirit or Essence on one side and ego occupies the other side. This concept has been explained theoretically by many great thinkers, philosophers and theorists with ego defined as the foundation of personality governed by id or superego. It has been left open to a plethora of interpretations and explanations all depending on one's personal preference.
I invite you to explore your current understanding of ego throughout these next number of pages. The concept of ego or Edging Grace Out will be examined thoroughly and then defined from a different perspective. What will be revealed to you is how the ego is being dismantled and dissolving piece by piece over the next number of years and in fact this has already started.
Ego is illusion, it can no longer hold the structure of itself as truth anymore. It is destroying people, plants, animals, sea creatures, all life forms. As the structure of the ego dismantles it carries with it pain, fear, suffering, destruction of self and others through wars, jealousy , abuse , torture and dishonesty. The concept of believing the teachings of the ego has allowed the creation of a false identity for humanity which collectively has resulted in destruction, killings and war, with an absence of love. When you are feeling unsafe within yourself you then begin to create fear, pain and suffering which may include self-hatred.
Within this book and upon its pages are messages where yuou will find a peace"full"ness and a movement of stillness, which encourages you to walk and rest as stillness. In other words you are stillness in movement similiar to a walking peace-filled mantra or prayer, devoid of any suffering needs, pain and anger. Now is a time to reflect upon your life and the situation in your life that possibly define who and what you think or feel you are. Perhaps you are just simply love, nothing more and this is the only truth. You were born from love and only from love. Were you actually born as hatred? Of course not!
During this Time of Transparency and The Age of Aquarius you will witness the dismantling of everything that has been built upon ego. Everything that was and is structured around ego is now being taken apart, piece by piece and then the dissolving of every single falsity occurs. Within this dissolving of these dismantled pieces is the exposure of the White Light where one finds their joy, peace, happiness and all that is their true self. You will be aware that life and living life is all about love and only living from love-nothing more than this.
In the first few chapters of this book you will learn about further explanations of the ego as related to illusion. Read deeply into these pages and feel an unfolding of truth and grace within yourself. A truth which you already know but just couldn't explain nor understand. As you read deeply into these passages you will notice there are several ego structures being dismantled. This is a sprinkle or sampling of what is occurring upon the planet during these unique times of shifting and transitioning into your complete being of Oneness. It is a recognition that you are All Ready love and One with the Being or Source/God/ White Light. It really doesn't matter what term you use to bring language to the energy of The One- The Creator-The One of 1000 Names- The Nameless- The Invisible Star Nations.
When you tenderly dive into the following pages of words within this book "feel" what is going on inside of you. Ask yourself,"What am I observing and thinking?" Be aware and ready to explore the concept and origination of ego through The Ego Curriculum and Questions, The "R" Points of Existence, The Now Curriculum and Questions and the diagrams of the dismantling of ego.
Be open and just allow.