Do three things:
Lift all the burdens that you may have and laugh. Laugh them off. Know that you can overcome them for every problem there is a solution. For every dream there is a possibility. When one door closes another one opens. If you find that the door remains closed go and make a window or another door. Don’t get discouraged.
Happiness always comes from within. It’s inside us, so dream, laugh, live and love.
Others will be drawn into your abundance. Life will be great that you won’t even thinkabout worrying. If you want to ever change, you must change from within.
We can’t harm another without harming ourselves. Be in the presence of love, allow love to flow. All emotions good or bad will transfer some sort of energy let the good
flow in and flow out through your veins, through your nose, breathe in and breathe out. Let the love sink in, let peace sink in. Embody this, embrace this and love this. You are special, you are unique, you are one of a kind, my friend you are a gift.
When you think positive you are allowing good things to flow to you. You are the creator and you are creating this beautiful garden called life. Think of the negative as weeds you must tend to this garden. Water it, nourish it and take the weeds out. Same idea as the thoughts in your head every time there is a negative thought allow for it, but come back with a great rebuttal.
I love saying life is beautiful, life is a gift why waste it! Live each moment for your own.
Don’t live in the shadow it can only destroy and diminish you. You reap what you sow, so tend to that garden of yours.
We all have special blessings and our own special gifts. Embrace them and live in the light. The light shines within you and you are truly a wonderful human being who is onto the next level. I love the movie Forest Gump, when Forest is sitting down on a bench and says, “ Life is like a box of chocolates…”What brings a smile to your face? What was the
best gift you ever received?
When we stop to think about these wonderful things we can visualize and feel that emotion. When you feel blue pause and reminisce of the wonderful moments that brings you joy. Capture this picture in your mind and place this within your heart. You will be on the right path to feeling great!
William James said it best –“The greatest discovery of our generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. As you think, so shall you be.”
What a wonderful saying! What we place in our minds and how we see or perceive things to be. It’s again reinforcing that we can change our attitudes and ourselves. If we expect change; change must come internally rather than externally.
Changing our attitude may seem small but it can make a huge difference. When we take ownership and go above and beyond we can make a difference. We can change the world but it starts with you no one else. It’s always easy to place the blame or it’s always easy to point a finger but no one is responsible for your own actions but yourself.
Decide what you choose to do. Who decides your fate? Who determines your own happiness? Your own self-worth?
The world is full of “I can’t” or “no it’s not possible - there is no way”. All the negative harmful images that you see on a daily basis. You start to think that there is no solution to a problem. Just clear it all out, get rid of that word “no” or “I can’t” and replace it with “yes” and “I can”. You can always accomplish anything that you put your mind to. Remember what you resist persist. What do you choose? Always remember that you are the only one that can make yourself feel good no one else can. When I am feeling blue and need to get out of that awful spell I am in, I will take time for me and visit the spa. I love being in that environment for me it’s very soothing and I am ready to take on the world! Or I will turn on my reiki music and listen to it, this always helps me!
When you are taking care of yourself you will find it much easier to take care of others. Please don’t be too hard on yourself and dissect all of your flaws or what went wrong. No one is perfect we all have flaws, bad days or things that do go wrong. But it’s how you react to them. When you make a mistake learn to laugh and say what I can do to improve this? We all fall and have to get back up. Never allow that mistake to hurt you and make you upset. You are wonderful and you are on
Life is not that complicated it’s what we chose at the end of the day. Remember life is a
gift, never take a moment for granted. When we come back centered we come back as one; one journey, one soul, one body and one life. Remember who you are and where you came from. To where your life started, never forget this. It’s your roots to your own being. The soul, your soul is on a beautiful journey.
Even when you are faced with obstacles that’s when our strengths come out and that’s when we shine. Don’t let your heart be heavy and let it sink in. Know that you will be ok that your higher power will not let you down. You must believe, believe in yourself and believe that there is something good out there. Stay positive and my friend your daywill come.
“Whether one believes in religion or not and one believes in rebirth or not, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t appreciate kindness and compassion” – The Dalai Lama
When we want to find that inner peace that we are all searching for; when we feel that love and care for others everything else will follow. Never hold anything against anyone. Just let it go, let it all out. Whether or not you disagree at the end of the day, nothing can ever replace the feeling of love within ones soul.
The power of a touch, a hug, a simple smile, the kind words, caring for someone, listening to a friend can turn anything around. These kind acts have even the simplest ripple effect.
Don’t let your worries or fears guide you. Fear will only mask your happiness. For your happiness is within you waiting to come out. You never need to look too far it’s depth within your soul. Dance like nobody’s watching come out of
the shadows and into the light. Love is just around the corner. Learn to laugh and look at
the brighter side of things. Choose happiness; choose love you will be thankful you did.
Stay in that positive state of mind, relax and allow positivity to flow through. Allow for
good happy thoughts and the feelings to dance around you. Allow them to sing to
you and shout it out! Say yes to being positive and yes to happiness!
When we need to deal with stressful situations and they do arise I don’t like to
ignore them. It happens but the key is to say what can I do about this? How can I
change this around? Stress varies from one person to another. Turn the negative into a
positive. Review the experience, how negative was it? Upsetting? Stressful? Write this
down to help allow you to assess the situation and then come up with
directly am I involved to this situation? Could I or someone else change this? How was
my reaction? Once you have assessed all areas make your plan and change it!
What’s next? My suggestion is to make a list of positive things in your life. What sort of
interests or activities make you feel great? What makes you feel good? What do I enjoy
doing? Who do I like to share my positive activities with? Always remember its
important to take the time and do the activities that you enjoy doing. What is fun and
exciting for you?