In this book Kogi Naidoo reveals intimate stories of her inspiring life and experiences that took her from despair to hope, fear to courage, doubt to faith, ego to humility, and from taking her life for granted to living a life of gratitude. Having, lived and worked internationally, she, as a fifth generation to indentured farm labourers, rises above her life of poverty to use education, wit and charm to leave her inspiring legacy for generations to come. She has lived and worked in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.
LIVE, LEARN, LOVE provides an honest, upfront account that mirrors insights and revelations about how we live, learn and love as individuals and as part of families and communities. This book is for those in the prime of their life, reflecting back on how life was and how it turned out, and what they can still do. The book also appeals to younger readers, bursting with excitement to change the world. Readers are taken through personal stories of stresses and strains, insights and wisdom, never forgetting life’s blessings.
You discover your unique talent, purpose and contribution. You learn how to use the three focal areas (LIVE, LEARN, LOVE) to live a more balanced and fulfilled life. Attain emotional, mental and spiritual balance. Learn how to make a difference. Take charge of how you live, learn and love to regain inner peace and joy.
Part One (of three) shows us that we each have a unique contribution to make. We are all leaders with the potential to achieve greatness. We have a duty and responsibility to make a contribution in the world. We can together alleviate the pain and suffering in our lives by using the keys to LIVE, LEARN and LOVE on our path to discover our personal power and prowess. In Part Two I share personal stories of the pain and suffering I endured to achieve my dreams and goals. It is not all doom and gloom! Sometimes, what we perceive as ill-luck or pushing against the tide, is life teaching us lessons we need to learn before we progress. Part Three focuses on the simple three-step formula we can apply to ensure we leave our unique legacy, making a difference as a result of having lived. You reflect on your life, where you have been, where you are right now and where you are going in your future.
LIVE, LEARN. LOVE, the book is inspired by vivid dreams (some recurring), real life experiences and reflection over my years. It is my ultimate truth and reality seen through my perspectives: wisdom, destiny and fate. I present my experiences as I remembered them, not through the lens of my conscious, social self, the academic and teacher schooled by the norms of society. I deliberately convey my innate authenticity. In some sense, I surrendered to my life experiences, having faith in God, Spirit or the Universe or whatever you believe in. I acknowledge that for a very long time I blocked out much of my life experiences. I demonstrate how one can regain trust in oneself and the Universe to create a life that is filled with divine grace and love, rather than one of struggle and hopelessness.
Throughout the book you have opportunities to reflect on your own journey and evolution. The recurring themes and your reflections sharpen the focus of your universal eye. It takes courage and perseverance to keep focused on your purpose and make a difference.
We need to be leaders of our own lives, before we lead others. By reflecting on the three- step formula of life to LIVE, LEARN, LOVE we focus on our true purpose to achieve our unique greatness. You can be great like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King. They each had a cause they stood for. Discover your unique talents and special purpose in life. We must get over our own limitations to pursue our dreams and goals. In inspiring each other we can live our lives optimally and purposefully until we achieve a world of love, as a result of the forgiveness and compassion we practice.
Research shows the major issues that cause people stress are money, relationships, work challenges, and health problems. The book is a self-development guide to:
• Gain a stress-free existence,
• Take immediate charge of your emotional, mental and spiritual states,
• Discover your unique purpose and greatness,
• Achieve your true purpose and make a difference to yourself and others, and
• Contribute to a better world, filled with love and compassion.
In the course of my life, education, experiences and learning, I discovered seven keys to Live, Learn, Love. These keys are the collective brilliance of the great teachers and mentors I was blessed to have in my life. These keys unlock how we use the gifts we are given, how we live our lives, what we spend our time doing, the impact we make in our relationships. There are also five ways you can adopt to tap into and achieve their own greatness in your journey of life.
As I share my stories, be amused and entertained. Laugh with me, cry with me, and be inspired to make a difference in your life.