A Year on Your Path To Growth

Daily Inspirations to Reconnect With Your Soul

by Keri Nola

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/06/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781452553832
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781452553825

About the Book


• Remember your infinite worth, no matter what

• Reconnect with your Divine Authentic Self and be inspired to move forward

• Become confident in your ability to deal with your sufferings and experience peace

It can happen and the possibility starts here.

Do you want to move forward, but feel lost and stuck?

Do you wonder what your own purpose truly is on this earth?

I understand. I’ve been there.

I know what it’s like to feel anxious and depressed wondering what the purpose of such pain is, and then to search for happiness in a world that has such suffering. After a dear friend of mine died tragically, I deepened my search for the meaning of my own life while grieving the loss of hers. Since then, I have been on a journey to peace that has taken me to great perspectives, a journey that has changed my life, and a journey that has the potential to change yours as well. Together, let’s release your questions and fears and reconnect you with your divine birthrights of love, joy, and abundance for authenticity and happiness.

In A Year on Your Path to Growth: Daily Inspirations to Reconnect with Your Soul, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Keri Nola, provides the daily compassion and comfort you yearn for and deserve, while inspiring you to reconnect with your authentic self. Her real life experience paired with her exceptional education and professional background has guided her along a meaningful path to understanding - one she desires to share with you. Ultimately, this year long journey of paradigm shifting inspiration will bring you the one thing you desire most - peace.

About the Author

KERI NOLA is the founder of Path to Growth, LLC, a Central Florida -based integrative healing center that blends traditional and holistic techniques for journeys to peace. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Keri provides psychotherapy and facilitates therapeutic retreats for those seeking to reconnect with their inner wisdom, particularly after trauma or loss. In addition, she is frequently sought-after to provide heart inspired business consultation for healthcare professionals. Currently pursuing her doctoral degree in Holistic Theology, Keri is focusing her studies on ancient forms of spiritual healing. Keri lives in Orlando, Florida where she finds tranquility in spending time by the water and by painting life’s inspirations.

For more information visit www.pathtogrowth.com and join Keri on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pathtogrowth