All any scientist can do is lift up one small corner of the veil that
covers the truth of this world, and then try to express it in words
that the general population can stretch their minds around.
"The Secret Life of Water" by Masaru Emoto
During the 15th century people thought that the world was flat, and that if they sailed to the horizon they would fall off. This was the ‘truth’ of the day. However Ferdinand Magellan’s ships sailed around the world in 1519-1522 and proved that it was round. So the beliefs of people had to change to accommodate new information. It was of course already understood that the earth was a sphere but the people were kept in ignorance by the church.
In the 16th century people believed we were the centre of the universe and that our planet was stationary and the sun moved around us. In 1543, Copernicus, an astronomer and canon of the church, realised that in fact the earth and planets traveled around the sun. However, this new information was not revealed until he was on his deathbed, in a book he had written on his findings. The church at that time wanted people to believe that this was the only world that existed, and that we were the only beings in the universe. As a canon of the church, Copernicus knew his life would be in jeopardy if he went against the doctrines of the church. When this news was released the church ridiculed the information and it took a long time for science to validate his work. Today we know that indeed we travel around the sun, along with all the other planets. Once this work was scientifically acknowledged, then people had to change their beliefs. We were not the centre of the universe at all.
To bring this concept closer to home, imagine you are standing on a beach on a beautiful clear day. The sky is blue, the sea is flat, the horizon in the distance is a straight line between sea and sky, indicating no waves and swell on the water. There is nothing on the horizon: not a ship in sight. Now if someone handed you a telescope and when you looked through it, suddenly you could see a ship on the horizon, you would have to change your belief that moments before there was no ship there. Now you know there is because you can see it through the telescope.
So this brings us to the understanding that what we see or perceive, creates what we believe. What we see and believe, we accept as our ‘truth’. When we receive new information our belief, and therefore our ‘truth’, has to change.
So truth for us is not set in concrete. It changes according to what we believe. We can never say "this is the truth, the only truth, there is no other truth". Your ‘truth’ will always change according to your beliefs and your perceptions, and in that, your perception is based on your level of awareness. When you have a higher level of knowledge and wisdom, your perception of what is the truth will be different from that of people existing on a lower level of awareness. So the perception of truth varies, and this does not make anyone right or wrong. Our individual truth is simply based on our level of awareness.
Always be open to new information. If your mind remains closed to new things this can prevent you from moving forward.
As I have already stated, please do not just take my beliefs, my ‘truths’ and make them yours, simply because you can't be bothered to research any further. That's laziness, and the universe does not support laziness. Read, listen, ask questions, and then keep what resonates with you and discard the rest.
There is one Truth, and one only Ultimate Truth. That is, the Unconditional Love of the Creator. This is the foundation of the universe and everyone and everything within it. This Truth is the only Truth you should totally believe in, and that it never ever changes. This is what your journey is all about: a return to the Ultimate Truth of the Creator, a total belief in Unconditional Love which connects us all within this vast universe.