Throughout history, the majority of humanity has had a relationship with the Divine that is completely external. Not only has God been seen as something external and separate, but also, through that perceived distance, God has been a place to project all of the darkest parts of our collective personality. In all cultures God is called Love, yet for virtually every one of us, the image we have been fed of the Divine is actually anything but loving.
God is described as wrathful, jealous, angry, and punishing, a being to be feared and obeyed. There have always been those who have had a different relationship with God, one that is subjective. Sometimes during our long history, these have been a few scattered individuals solely sharing the experience of the Divine within with anyone who was ready and willing to hear. At other times, they were lesser-known mystical adepts, existing within the confines of established religions.
At other times still, whole societies at large have known this most universal of truths: that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. Over the millennia, through the myriad of experiences available on this planet, the collective consciousness of humanity has been slowly evolving. As a result of this evolution, the old ideas and projections of the Divine are beginning to undo. The understanding that eternal peace is a subjective choice is becoming more and more widespread, and more acceptable.
At this time, there is an unprecedented awakening occurring for the human race. In what, in the grand scheme of things, is the blink of an omnipotent eye, people are beginning to search for teachings and tools that will allow them to take their awareness inward, beyond the surface of the mind, to a direct experience of their True Nature as Divinity itself. There is a growing sense that living a life of separation and suffering is not necessary.
Many teachings have appeared to answer this awakening, some new, some ancient. Of these, some actually have the means to fulfill life’s purpose of union with God. Most do not. Like children fumbling in the dark, mankind is looking for a way to return to the light. The path of return has existed forever.
The Teaching is actually clearly laid out in all traditions for those with the eyes to see. All of the greatest teachers of history taught the same thing in different ways. They all knew that eternal peace lies within the heart of every human, that separation, suffering and death are the sad dreams of the lost, sleeping children of God.
This book is unique in that not only have I been able to share my experience and perspectives of the eternal dance of consciousness, but also, it has as its conclusion a direct invitation to a real Teaching, the sole purpose of which is the awakening of humanity. My hopes for this book are many.
May it enliven your desire to wake up, or intensify that desire at whatever stage it is already kindled.
May it answer questions you have had, whether or not you knew you had them.
May it undo many of the common spiritual concepts that, no matter how beautiful, ultimately distract the aspirant from the true goal of human life.
May it let you know that the path to freedom can be easy, swift, and joyful.
May you, at the end of this text, have had at least a glimpse of your own magnificent potential.