Have you ever been so much in love with someone that it hurts? No matter where you are or what you do, you can see the love in their eyes burning in your heart? It is that special kind of love that not even fairy tales can describe adequately that will have you rise up to move mountains. You live for it. You would die to protect that special kind of love that makes you a better person just for having experienced it in your life. Those two souls melding into one are often called soul-mates here in this world.
If you are one of the fortunate few to have experienced this phenomenon, then you understand what it means to lose the other half of your whole being. The emptiness, the loneliness, the utter despair and the intense longing to be with him or her again that engulfs you day after day. To be able to touch him or her, to feel that other person lying next to you just one more time would be the greatest blessing in your now meager existence. It is all you can think about. The mundane routine of life barely intrudes into your all-consuming lonely world. Where then can you turn to seek some relief? Find some comfort? Help yourself heal?
Maybe you should consider the possibility that your loved one may not be as far away as you think. Perhaps they do communicate with you, in an ongoing, almost daily conversation. It is only you that has failed to pick up your messages from heaven’s switchboard. Allow yourself to consider that there may be evidence daily of their presence all around you but you simply have not recognized the signs or dismissed them as purely coincidental. In a way, I am going to be asking you to learn another language; the language of the soul. You only need to allow your heart to open once more for a new kind of conversation to begin.
Consider, that despite the fact that Jan’s physical life on earth has ended, I have witnessed for myself the miracles and messages she has sent to us over the last three years; these conversations with heaven. These messages from above, beyond or through are meant to provide comfort and convey love as well as assurance that your loved one is with you and watching over you. If you believe that once the soul has crossed over into a “heaven,” filled with peace and love, you have nothing to fear in accepting their presence as anything other than a blessing in your life.
Be assured that once you have achieved peace of mind for yourself about their existence, you too may find a new sense of joy and happiness in these pages.
If this story is to have any deep, meaningful impact on you, it is important for you to understand who Jan and Liong were in life, together. Even though the “wow” factor may still be present in the event being told, often it does not give you any useful information that you can apply to your own life, your own situation, with any lasting satisfaction or insight.
My relationship to this project is that I knew Jan for seven years before she passed and I have known Liong for over sixteen years and, I am blessed to say, they were and still are my friends. I felt that theirs’ was an important story to share, showing what is possible. Even if this book only brings comfort to one more person struggling with grief, then I have succeeded.
Now it is important to make this point clear before we go any further. I am not a psychic, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a member of the clergy or any kind of authority or expert on death or the afterlife; nor even a professional writer for that matter. So, you will not find any expert opinions, conclusions or religious dogma anywhere in this book unless it is something that was written down by Liong in his journal.
If you will recall, back in Chapter Five, I mentioned that Jan said she would be with us at Christmas after she and Liong had sung “Silent Night” together at the hospital. Well, she did not forget her promise, and she did not disappoint us.
December 7, 2008
“I put on Jan’s favorite Xmas songs by Johnny Mathis for her. I went into the room to watch football. When I came out, the music had stopped. I was surprised because it wasn’t that long that I was in the room. I looked at the player; the disc had stopped at no. 6, which never happened before. I looked at no. 6 then at no. 5. The last song that was played was, ‘I’ll Be Home for Xmas.’ Somehow Jan had stopped the player after no. 5. I remember what she told me days before she passed at the hospital when I showed her the Silent Night Happi Heart, one of her favorites. I started singing ‘Silent Night’ and Jan sang with me. Then she said to me, ‘I’ll be there this Xmas.’ Jan, maybe you are reaffirming your promise to be here on Xmas. I love you Jan.”
Accept God as your soul-mate and let the wonders, both big and small appear in your life. Look for them daily, even if only in the smallest details. I feel that if angels like Jan can do all these things for Liong and family then just imagine what God can do for us, if only we take the time to receive and accept him in our hearts. God, along with each and every one of us are on this journey toward forever and I have found that when you travel together, especially as soul-mates, it will be a much more wondrous and enjoyable trip. Like Liong says, “It is not the trip that is important. It is who you are traveling with that matter.”