Ancient wisdom for modern times… 40 Days to Enlightened Eating is evolutionary! Changing your eating will change your body, optimize your weight, rejuvenate your health, awaken your energy, refresh your mind and enlighten your spirit! Your best self awaits at the end of 40 days!
I would like to invite you on a journey. The destination is your ideal self. On this journey, you will be led along a path which has gone untraveled by most of us in the western world. Along this path are many ancient secrets. These secrets are the avenue to a better self, better health and a better life. These secrets involve what and how we are designed to eat. Long ago these were not secrets, but common sense. Today this wisdom has long been lost. Applying the time-tested wisdom of the ancient Vedic sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda, you will rediscover eating and food. Along this path you will discover how to eat the way we were originally intended, according to our design. By discovering this secret alone, the body, mind and spirit can be transformed in just 40 days. In 40 days you will uncover the optimal you!
For the next 40 days, there will be no counting calories, fat, carbs or points. There are no expensive bars, supplements, pre-prepared meals, or shakes. There is no eating only grapefruit or cabbage soup. This new way of eating did not originate in Beverly Hills or South Beach, but from long ago and far away. This book is not about becoming super-model thin, but about finding your optimal, healthy weight and metabolism. These 40 days aren’t only about losing weight, but about gaining health, energy and vitality. Many eating plans cause weight-loss at the expense of energy and health. This plan is different. This plan is developed to lighten not only your body, but the mind and spirit as well. Optimal weight, health, energy and vitality is the natural bi-product of eating the right foods in the right ways. The foods we eat directly affect not only the body, but the mind and spirit too. For the next 40 days, each day is a chapter in the book. Each day and chapter will layer on a new aspect of eating and food as it relates to the body, mind and spirit. Each day is one step closer to transformation.
In our search to look younger, feel more energetic, and become slimmer and healthier, westerners have tried every new “fad” diet and weight loss scheme “du jour”. And the results…we are fatter and less healthy than ever before in history! Fads clearly don’t work. There is no better time than now to rediscover ancient, time tested solutions to weight, health, energy and vitality. The 5000 year old sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda contain ancient wisdom and knowledge that is more practical now than ever, and more needed now than ever, here in the modern era.
No modern day approach to health, weight-loss and vitality compares to the ancient practices of Yoga and Ayurveda. Both of these traditions assert that human beings were created to live in a natural state of balance and harmony with themselves and with the natural world. Modern day demands put on the body including stress, pollutants and poor diet over-tax our system, and keep us from our natural state of harmony. This creates disease, weight gain, low mood and sluggish energy. Over the next 40 days we will incorporate the time-tested sister sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda and their ancient wisdom in order to achieve optimal weight, health, energy and vitality. In attaining these, elevated spiritual awareness is a natural bi-product.
Take a moment to visualize your ideal self. What is your appearance like now? How do you feel? What is your overall mood or emotional tone? What is your energy level? Envision your hair, nails, skin, health and weight. How youthful do you look and feel? How do you move through life? How is your life right now different from your ideal? How peaceful and harmonious is your spirit? Today is the beginning of your journey towards that ideal self. That “you” is standing there waiting at the end of the 40 days. It is my honor to guide you along the path to the optimal you. I will be with you every day leading you forward. Each day is a step towards enlightened eating.
What is so special about 40 days? First of all, it takes 21 days for new habits to create new neuro-pathways in the brain, but 40 days is optimal time necessary for those new neuro-pathways to become fixed and lasting. 40 days is an ideal length of time for the neuro-pathways of old habits to weaken and fade, and let the new ones take over permanently. 40 days also has a powerful spiritual significance across many ideologies, particularly Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 40-day time periods are mentioned in the Bible 22 times. Moses fasted 40 days before he received “enlightenment” in the form of the Ten Commandments. Jesus spent 40 days praying and fasting in the wilderness after his baptism. It rained 40 days and 40 nights during the great Biblical flood…a great cleansing of the Earth, if you will. Many Christians observe Lent, a 40-day time of fasting in preparation for Easter. In the Islamic religion, Ramadan lasts 40 days. It too is a time of fasting and reconnection to spirit. In the Kabbalah tradition, a form of ancient Jewish mysticism, 40 days is the period of time it takes to establish new patterns, and make them lasting parts of our lives. Each of these 40 day time periods is about transformation. Over the next 40 days you too will undergo transformation in the body as well as the mind and spirit. 40 days is the ideal amount of time to reset the appetite, cravings, taste buds, and rejuvenate the whole self. In 40 days you can gently and fully detoxify the bodily systems with noticeable results. Meet your optimal self at the end of 40 days!