The Beginning
My spiritual journey began in my late teens. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and had to take a steroid medication with many side effects for the rest of my life. Life was very stressful at this time, and I would visit psychics on a regular basis to seek direction. One of them suggested Reiki.
Reiki is a universal life-force energy, an energy that is in everything. The Reiki practitioner channels the energy through the top of the head—known as the crown chakra—and the energy goes through to the heart chakra and out the palms of the hands. The practitioner simply places his or her hands on the client for the energy to be transferred. It is a very gentle and loving energy. Reiki is rumoured to have been used by Jesus with his “laying on of hands,” though the practice predates even him. This ancient healing technique has three levels and can be learnt by anyone of any age. The attunement process is handed from teacher to student. The attunement simply opens one’s chakras so they can hold the Reiki energy and pass it to another.
After the psychic reading, I immediately arranged for a treatment from someone I knew. After a healing session with her, I went on my own adventure and sourced a Reiki teacher. I was quick to get an attunement and take control of my own healing. Within a few days of this attunement, I began to wean myself off of all the drugs. Today, I have no sign of the rheumatoid arthritis; it has been well over a decade now. After one of the attunements, my tongue—which I had previously bitten repeatedly in the same spot—healed by the time I got home, like there had never been a cut there. Within a short period of time, I mastered all three levels of Reiki and became a teacher. I began the mission to heal the world.
On my spiritual path, I learned that thought patterns create the diseases we have. Reiki has a very loving and gentle way of showing us this. When combining angels and Reiki, miracles constantly take place. With the attunement came a lot of my psychic gifts; the more I used Reiki, the stronger these gifts became. Reiki attunements open and cleanse our chakras.
Everyone has seven major chakras. Chakra is a word from the ancient Sanskrit language meaning wheel. When these “wheels” become dirty through negative thoughts, beliefs, drugs (both medicinal and recreational), alcohol, and unhealthy foods, the chakras become clogged; the spinning fan within the chakras slows down or stops and then creates imbalances within the body called “diseases.”
My psychic gifts had always been there, but because of my fears, I had shut them out of my life. Then I began hearing and seeing things. I had not experienced this before. This excited me. I began chatting to anything I came in contact with that said it was my guide or angel . Your Reiki teacher should teach you to protect yourself before every Reiki session, whether it is for yourself or others. I was unaware of the Archangel Michael, or any method of protection. I was a free-for-all, light and dark forces. So whenever I teach Reiki, psychic, or mediumship classes, protection is always my top priority. I also ensure that my students understand the messages our bodies tell us when a spirit is not authentic.
I had some very hairy experiences. Once, my car was pulled over to the side of the road and turned off and then would not start. I just kept asking angels to help me. The car started, and off I drove. I’ve had the phone ringing constantly with no one there. I would hear the kitchen cupboards being emptied, with things smashing all over the floor, but when I went to look, nothing had happened. I rang another Reiki master for help, and she put a triangle of protection around me and my home. My newfound Reiki master also gave me the details of a lady who removed “entities.” The entity remover took more than nine hundred lower energies from my home. Apparently, my home used to be a party house; no wonder some crazy stuff was going on!
Whenever we are angry, exchanging hurtful words with someone, experiencing fear, or drinking or taking drugs, we leave part of our energy behind. This energy takes on a life force of its own. The energy we leave behind has a built-in memory of the action that took place. The energy—or entity, as it is commonly known—gets increasingly stronger when it can latch itself onto us. This is what was happening in my home, car, and place of work.
Rest assured that this is not a regular occurrence for people who receive the Reiki attunement. My experience happened simply because I had not been taught how to keep myself safe. This was a great lesson for me; the information I now have on protection is priceless, and I can pass it on to many others.
I spent a lot of time chatting with my angels, asking them for help in my life. I was very sad, and I was in a relationship where I thought that by showing someone love, I could fix them. The number one lesson: you can’t heal anyone who does not want to be healed. This is a major lesson for all of us light workers. Unless someone is willing to change, we can’t do the work for them, no matter how hard we try. During this time, I got married and had two lovely children. It was with these two gifts from God that I grew very strong. I constantly asked the angels to fix my partner, but of course, this never occurred. I was looking for the white picket fence in the wrong place.
Another lesson I learned is that you simply need to tell the angel what the problem is and get out of the way. By telling the angels how I thought the situation should be fixed, it stopped them from doing their work. As I only had eyes for the way I thought it should be fixed, I was missing their messages of removing myself from the situation. I ignored the feelings in my body.