The Book of Lane

Two Hundred Thirty-Five Ways to Be a More Thoughtful Person

by Lane Mayhew

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/08/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9781504347600
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9781504347587

About the Book

Dear Reader, The Book of Lane is a guidebook for healing and how to live a stable and freeing life in our confusing and unpredictable world. As a result of a Biblical background, the wisdom of the philosophers, Eastern Religion, and self-help motivation, “thoughts for thought,” my philosophies and moral values, and practical living ideas have been developed.

About the Author

At seventy-two, it seems like I have lived a lifetime. I was educated in the Midwest at Carroll University with a sociology/psychology double major and a minor in philosophy. After college I became a flight attendant and flew internationally. I also attended a junior college where I took religions of the world and guidance and counseling. With a bipolar mood disorder and being a member of two twelve-step programs, I am sensitive to other people and want to help. My career was in human resources where I wrote company handbooks, job descriptions, and policies and procedures. Through my consulting company I have had experience writing reviews, newspaper articles, and testimonials. As a part-time mystery shopper I learned the value of customer service. Living in California, I am a grandmother of two teenagers and a passionate animal lover.