Braving Time

Finding the Way Back

by Bonnie L. Collins

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/08/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781452556390
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781452556383

About the Book

Braving Time is a vividly frank, absorbing account of a teenager on the edge of womanhood as she faces loss of her loved ones through death, mental illness, and physical displacement, and how it challenged her feeling of being held safe and connected to those she held dear in the world.

This memoir expresses a universal theme of how we, as humans, internalize such losses, desperately wanting to find someone to fill the gap—someone to love us deeply, unconditionally; to lead us out of the dark night. We do not see that these lessons are here for us to learn to live authentically, self-reliantly, and with integrity.

The elixir will be when we can trust in ourselves to take good care of our own self (our inner child), to rediscover who we truly are in our own right, and then to revive our essential self. This brings us into healthy connection/belongingness with others, and toward wholeness. This is not a story of wholeness—that would wait for another time. Rather, this is a story of resilience.

About the Author

Bonnie L. Collins, nee Hockenberry, is the principal of Life Refocused Associates and
is engaged in spiritual/life coaching and book-writing projects. Having studied with the Mentorcoach Training Program, Bonnie has had an active coaching practice since 2004. She works with healthy, creative, resourceful people. Her focus is upon her clients reaching their full potentials.

In the past, she has written articles for the Central Pennsylvania Holistic Health Networker, a quarterly journal in central Pennsylvania that promotes healthy living, environmental awareness, and spiritual practice.

Bonnie holds a bachelor’s degree (BSS) in psychology and a master’s degree in public administration (MPA). Both were conferred to her by The Pennsylvania State University.