A Remarkable True Hawaiian Story

by Victoria Kapuni

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/04/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 262
ISBN : 9781452548906
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 262
ISBN : 9781452548913

About the Book

How does a Philadelphia debutant, refined in manners of high society, overcome great personal storms, follow her spiritual path, and find the love of her life (the great, great, great grandson of King Kamehameha III) in Molokai, Hawaii? He knew her spirit even if he could hardly speak her language and had been ‘raised up’ in a grass shack on the beaches of Oahu, diving off cliff s, living off the ocean, warding off environmental off enders as a political activist protecting the islands and guarding the ways of his people only as a Kahuna can. They wove a rich fabric of diverse colors throughout their marriage
by searching out ways to blend their two cultures through their mutual respect and love for one another. They shared and practiced their spiritual knowledge, lived a traditional Hawaiian lifestyle and fought off , like in a “Melagro Bean Field War,” a Singapore global conglomerate that wanted to develop 200 pristine acres of shoreline that would change the subsistence way of living on this small Hawaiian island. This is their true Hawaiian story.

About the Author

Victoria felt compelled to write this book and pass on her healing and spiritual knowledge to others so that their awakening and discovering of their spiritual paths might be a little easier.
Prior to attending Law School, Victoria taught pottery at the University of Wyoming. After retiring from the practice of Law, she returned to clay; selling her art pieces at shows and several galleries throughout four states. After her first visit to Hawaii in 1981, her goal was to retire in Hawaii where she presently resides with her two German Shepards: Hoku and Loke.