Introduction – How To Use This Book
‘If you judge people, you have no time to love them’
Mother Theresa
Firstly – welcome! It’s fabulous to have you here and onboard. And thank you for buying my book! I really hope that wherever you are in your life right now, you get something from the following pages and you feel empowered to step into your true power and glory and SHINE.
This is OUR TIME. The time for women to truly embrace our feminine power and energy and celebrate the very essence of who we are. Remembering to celebrate the men in the world at the same time, for the gift they give too.
The twenty first century and beyond is about collaboration and unity, not the ‘them and us’ scenario and mind set that have prevailed in the past. We are all unique and magnificent, whatever our gender, age, social or economic situation, what I want is for you to honour YOU – in every way and every day.
The book is in five parts :
Setting The Scene • Who Are You On The Outside? • Who Are You On The Inside? Using This In The Real World • Time For Celebration
Throughout the book there are various exercises and opportunities for you to set actions for yourself. Please don’t feel obliged to follow the book page by page, exercise by exercise. This is your book – it’s up to you how you use it.
You may find it really helpful to start at the beginning and finish at the end. However, you may find it more helpful to dip in and out as the mood, and your intuition, takes you. You may want to go back to the exercises and complete them when it feels right to do so.
I would suggest photocopying the exercises before you start, in case you want to complete them more than once – for instance, going back to them six or twelve months later to see if you have changed.
I also want to give you permission to write in this book. Make as much mess and scribble as much as you want to, use coloured pens, doodle in the margins, whatever takes your fancy.
Part One is a bit about me, setting the scene and establishing my credibility with you as the reader as to why you should continue reading. I have written this Chapter so you can see where I’ve come from and to give you an example of some of my life experiences. I have been on this journey and I’m not asking you to do anything that I haven’t done myself. I know how challenging it was for me at times, so I want to assure you that I do understand if you come up against your own blocks, but I also know that when I pushed through my own walls and found the light awaiting me on the other side, the struggle was worth it.
Part Two is the start of your personal exploration. Who Are You On The Outside is about you getting in touch with your outer beauty and accepting that wherever you are in your life in terms of age, experience, accomplishments or self belief, you are gorgeous in your own, unique way. Once you have accepted, and taken ownership of, your external beauty, you are much better placed to continue the exploration on the inside.
Part Three is moving further into looking at who you are – internally. We look at what you may or may not be doing to get in your own way, examining what you stand for and how you operate in life. We explore any limiting beliefs you may hold and how you might dispel those and move forward with a lighter and clearer mind-set.
Part Four is how you can transfer all this information back into the working world - whether you work for a company as an employee, whether you run your own business, whether you are thinking about running your own business, or you simply want to transfer the skills and lessons learnt into every day life.
Part Five is your story. Going forward, who do you want to be and how are you going to take yourself there. It’s an opportunity for you to really celebrate every aspect of YOU and jump for joy!
At the back of the book is a Resources section. A list of some fabulous women and gorgeous places that will help you enhance your wonderfulness and nourish your mind, body and spirit.
The journey isn’t necessarily going to be easy. I’ll challenge you frequently along the way, and there may be times when you might be tempted to stop. But I would encourage you to keep going and push through. As the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter and brighter, the pain along the way will fall into insignificance.
Fantastic – let’s get started.