Lift Your Spirits

My Journey Through Panic Attacks

by Noni Gove

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/02/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781452503929

About the Book

After eight years of searching for an answer to release nocturnal panic attacks, the author Noni Gove finally found the solution. Here is her story of never giving up hope, keeping an open mind and pressing on with life to the full, regardless of debilitating circumstances. This journey is a year by year account of the numerous modalities and treatments that she reseached and experienced along a very rocky and rough road to recovery. She managed to travel the world and detach from the sensations, which from time to time were so overwhelming. It was an incredible lesson In letting go of the fear factor and trusting that the universe would provide answers, one just had to keep an open mind and not miss an opportunity. How free her life has been since then, how glorious the days and especially the nights, how great it feels to have energy to support others on their journey. No doubt everyone has many aspects of their lives with peaks and troughs, mine has been a journey of extremes in a way, of complete changes in direction, challenges and adventures of the mind, body and spirit.

About the Author

Noni Gove grew up in her family home in the Southern Highlands of NSW Australia. She has a Diploma of Dental Assisting and numerous Diplomas in many forms of Remedial Therapeutic Massage. She is interested in alternate therapies, the mind and how it operates.