Messages from Heaven
Is Anyone Listening?
Book Details
About the Book
This book is a combination of years of channeled Messages from God, Archangel Michael and other Divine Angels to assist Humanity fi nd love and peace in this life’s journey. It uses stories to help the reader gain insights to their own journey using drama and humor to bring the messages home. Finally, the book concludes with divine revelations for the future of humanity. It is a must read and will challenge some of you with its insights but know as you do read it, you will be fill with inspiration and love from the source of all that is! May your journey be blessed.
12 Laws of Life and Manifesting Inner Wealth, meditation Cd
The above works by Les Feast Author and Spiritual Teacher are offered to seekers of light to bring balance back into their life’s journey from our inner source of power. It will help you move from the negative aspects of your life into the positive, dealing with and opening the introspection into:
• Competition to cooperation
• Conflict to loving, healthy relationships
• Aloneness to all oneness
• Controlling others to acceptance
• Greed and exploiting practices to serving
• Acquiring to giving and sharing
• Fragile health to robust health
• Worry to peace of mind
• Personal self to universal self
Therefore as you explore your inner self, your dominant thoughts will become more positive and you will begin to feel a part of a greater universal Love.
About the Author
Les Feast – spiritual teacher, healer and author.
Les Feast is a spiritual teacher and healer who began his business, “Angel Connection Workshops” in 2003. The reason for his spiritual path is that in 1974, he was blessed by a divine vision from God and is now following this vision to be of service to others. His healing skills and mediumship are highly sought after and he has been practising these gifts professionally for many years. Les has been in strong demand to demonstrate his gifts and give seminars on Connecting with Angels and Th e Twelve Laws of life. Th is book, “Messages from Heaven – Is anyone Listening” was the inspiration from Les’ connection to Archangel Michael while at Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s Ashram in India in 2002. He was guided to channel words from this Divine Light from that time till now and was guided to write this wonderful inspiring work for humanity. Les has taught and worked with some of Australia’s leading mediums and healers. Besides being a talented clairvoyant and spiritual medium, he also runs weekly meditation and development groups to help others rediscover their hidden gifts. Les is an accomplished Reiki master, Natural therapist and Bowen practitioner. For upcoming events and workshops, group meetings, personal readings; or to organize one in your region, contacted can be made through his website. His Motto is: Love Forever, Hurt never. May you be truly blessed in this journey of life.