Home is where the heart is...or is it?
It’s been said that a Feng Shui Master can walk down the street and know what is going on in the lives of the people inside each home. That is pretty startling, but if you understand Feng Shui, you will understand that our homes are pictures of our lives. What is in our lives, and what is missing from them, is reflected in our homes. Our living spaces can even show us where our own energies may be stagnated or compromised.
Here is an example of how one person used Feng Shui to help boost wealth in her life.
We all want to be prosperous. We live in a society obsessed with wealth and prosperity. Let’s look at the various forms wealth may take in a person's life, and explore ways in which shifting the Chi and creating space for wealth and prosperity to enter a life has worked for real people.
Wealth, of course, means money: cash, property, investments or a mix of all three. An important thing to remember about prosperity is that to have it, you must share it. Money, like everything else according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is energy. Therefore, it must circulate, and not stagnate.
The section of the Bagua that resonates with wealth is in the southeast. Feng Shui teaches that we view wealth, i.e., having money, as a means to live a vibrant and effective life. Think of all the things you may say to yourself with regard to having money. What did you say? Did you say, 'if I had money I’d fix up my house' or 'quit my job' or 'buy a new car' or 'help other people' or 'travel' or something else? Whatever you said, wealth, for you, is the conduit to shaping your world.
Here’s a story of how one person shifted the way she saw things and took some small steps to begin living the life she wanted.
Vicki's Story
I grew up in the 60's and so I’d heard about Eastern mysticism including Feng Shui. I bought a book on Feng Shui in the 90's and got very confused when I read it. I did try to do a few things, but it seemed like such a massive undertaking I stopped. I realize now that this was because I was approaching Feng Shui as an overlay, an addition, a further cluttering of my home. When I approached it as a chance to make room for wealth and prosperity, things worked much better.
I wanted to create wealth and prosperity in my life; although I usually had ‘enough’ I didn’t have ‘enough for what I wanted,’ and I always felt I was just a little bit short. I certainly didn’t have enough money to be charitable with.
I turned to Feng Shui to see if I was unknowingly keeping money out of my life, not attracting the prosperity I felt I deserved. And that was the first step: look at what I had and eliminate or change or clear it so that I could make space for something better to come in. First, I found the wealth area of my living space. That’s the south east corner of your home.
Then I cleaned it, touching up any paint or wallpaper that might have been peeling and I burned a stick of incense to help clean the energy, too. I made sure the color of the walls were a rich, warm color, maybe even gold, to suggest money. I got a green frog shaped planter, put it in the wealth area of my home, and started emptying my change purse into it each week, visualizing the money building, drawing more money. Next, I went through my home searching for things that spoke to me of prosperity, things I could put in my new ‘prosperity corner.’ I focused on gold frames, coins, pictures of luxury locales, things of that nature. I made sure it didn’t look cluttered and focused on creating in this space what I wanted to create in my larger life. I found myself moving items all over my house and that's the whole idea, to free up space so the Chi can move and the wealth can come in. Outside, I found the southeast corner of my property and created a 'prosperity garden.' I needed some yellow to signify gold coins, and some water to keep the Chi flowing.
I relocated a small birdbath to this spot and filled it with sparkling clear water. Alongside it I placed planters with bright yellow French marigolds. Every time I look at those marigolds, it’s like a little intention: subconsciously I think ‘prosperity’ and the intention is made.
I have noticed a striking synchronicity with these features and my personal wealth. All I have to do is re-fill the birdbath, or add coins to the frog planter and money arrives.
Immediately after I made these changes, I got a raise. I hadn't asked for it, but my boss significantly increased my rate of pay. Once, I moved the frog away from the prosperity corner for some reason, and some treasury bonds went missing. In a panic, I moved the frog back to where it had been (and where it still is) and a couple of days later, I found the bonds where they had been misplaced. Another time, I cleaned and re-filled the birdbath, and a day or so later discovered my tax burden that year was much less than I'd anticipated.
So there you have Vicki's story: a first hand account of what one person did and how things started to change. Remember to shift how you view things first, in order to come from abundance. And above all, Feng Shui teaches us to tend to our living areas: by clearing out the worn and caring for things we love, we automatically invite wealth in!