Outside of time, we know ourselves. We are the originating consciousness, an indistinguishable dimension of the whole. To us was given all. In this womb of consciousness we grew, emerging awareness. We shared awareness with our father as we came to know that we were. Awareness grew, and awareness narrowed. We came to hold our own focus. We knew our self as one with our Father, we knew our self as one. We came to believe that to know our selves meant to deny God, to have self we must have separation. We shifted our focus from universal awareness to an individual point of self. In this imagined move away from God, we became lost. We lost our awareness of the energy of consciousness; we lost our connection to Love. In this chasm of darkness we fell. We did not understand that this was an imagined loss that nothing exists outside the mind of God. Instead we deemed ourselves cast out by our creator, judged unworthy of his Love. We, who had once known the universe entire, now could not even know our self. We experienced the absence of Love as crushing, shattering shame. What might have sent us back to our Father instead drove us further from him. We believed that this shame was his punishment for our betrayal. We believe we are unworthy of God’s Love. We searched for relief from the pain that now occupied the core of our being. We allowed our focus to drift and found shelter in deception. We gave our self to the ego in exchange for its promise of protection. We have shaped our existence on its lies.
The time has come for us to return to Truth. We must see that there is no Truth in the ego’s perceptions. It cannot truly see, it looks through the filter of its own imaginings to show you the world it has created. Here you are alone; here you will always be alone. The ego can never know truth; its existence is dependent on deception. In order for it to continue to be you must believe you are unworthy of God’s Love. The ego can only tell you lies. It will convince you that what is most important is the past or the future, not the present moment. It will tell you that others are not like you and their differences are a threat to your identity. It tells abused children that they are responsible for the abuse. It tells the alcoholic whose life is spiraling out of control that having a drink will make things better. It tells the person struggling to lose weight that having something to eat will make them feel better. It tells you that the way to solve a problem is to demand your way and to be angry and resentful if you do not get it. It tells you that to not get your way is to lose something of yourself. It tells you that other people control your emotions. It insists that you see yourself through others judgmental eyes while denying that judgment can only come from within. It is happy to remind you of all your faults and flaws. It enjoys replaying painful memories especially when you begin to feel happy. The ego is not God’s creation. Truth cannot know deception.
Focus is an aspect of awareness. It is the part of us that allows for choice. We have the power to choose where to place our focus, but we have forgotten that it is our choice. The ego has hijacked our focus and has no intention of giving it back. In Truth we experience that which we choose to experience. If we wish to turn our focus away from universal consciousness we may do so, but it is still held in our distant awareness. Even in our state of separation our mind is capable of holding multiples points of focus and awareness. As I sit at my computer, I focus on what I am writing, yet I am aware of the room I am sitting in, the little dog at my feet. As I shift my focus into broader awareness I recognize the hum of the computer and the sound of the crickets outside and I know that I have been vaguely aware of them all along. Such is the incredible power of our mind, even in its unnaturally diminished state. The ego must be a constant distraction to keep us from remembering from whence we came. It tells you stories about the past, stories about the future and stories about its imagined present. It applies multiple labels to everything it “sees.” There, it says, is a flower. It is pink, it is pretty, it is not as pretty as the one I saw yesterday. I like that kind of flower. I wonder if I could buy that plant for my yard. It does everything in its considerable power to keep you from experiencing the flower. Our ability to create lies in our focus. The reason I have been able to write this book is that I am able to place my focus on understanding the things I wanted to understand. I am able to find enough stillness that allows my focus to settle on this one thing, at least for a period of time. Creative expression comes from your True self. It is inherent in your nature. It is the sculpture that exists within the stone, the song which is discovered rather than written, the story born before it was put to paper. Creation is your birthright. When you create you know yourself in that moment. You are no longer victim, you are master. To live without creation is to exist as a shadow of your true self. So long as the ego holds the entirety of your focus you forfeit your inheritance.
Most of us, at this time in our evolution, act and “think” from competing levels of consciousness, the ego, which is completely, and utterly unconscious, and the subconscious which may or may not be fully stocked with your personal untruths. We know that it holds at the very least, the idea that you are unworthy of God’s Love. If it did not, or had not at some point in this lifetime, you would not be here. The sole purpose of our existence on this planet is to learn who we are so that we can exist in Truth. When we have done that, we no longer need this particular classroom. When our focus is narrow, held entirely by the ego, our lessons come slowly. They come one at a time and may be very difficult to master. One who believes themselves to be a finite dot has a difficult time accepting that they are the infinite whole.
In Truth the subconscious is our being, we are what we feel. All of our emotions are centered around love. They either reflect a shade of its presence or the specter of its absence. We can attach our identity to any number of titles or roles but these do not describe self, only the part we chose to play for a time. Our body is itself only a reflection of our emotional state of being. Whatever pain our subconscious holds will manifest itself in a corresponding system. The subconscious determines where we place our focus. Our level of awareness determines our focus. If our subconscious is full of pain, all we can know of our self is pain and thus our ego is allowed to control focus. As we clear false pain from our subconscious awareness the ego begins to lose its hold. Our focus can begin to see Truth. The shift away from ego allows our focus to gradually assume its true nature. It begins to break through the veil of perception. It may see the world as it is. It loses its need to judge, to measure, to label, it gives up on the notion of need altogether. It sees the world is as human beings have made it. It knows that in truth, there is only Love.