Each of you has a purpose, your soul’s agenda. Each and every one of you has a purpose. Even those who are severely handicapped from birth and those who are brain damaged and may even appear to have no mind have a purpose. Their souls are like the largest tree in the forest. They are just being. All their soul wanted was just to be. They are just as precious as you because everyone is one in spirit. Now let them just be, and love them for it.
You are all love. Nobody is a burden. You are all teachers.
If you are attuned to your spirit and your life is flowing, that is good. If it appears that something is not right, and if you feel you are swimming against the tide, consider listening within to your soul. If you feel that you are travelling in the wrong direction, you are able to do a U-turn at any time and take the exit that says, “Right Way.” It is when your soul is at peace that you are in alignment with its agenda for your life.
You are innately spiritual beings. You came from spirit, and you will return to spirit. Do not try to deny who you really are. Your truth is who you are. You do not have an identity crisis. When you wonder who you are, you have a spiritual block. Remove the block, and give yourself the freedom to be you. Look within to find yourself. Do not wonder what you would like to do with your life until you know who you are. So many keep themselves busy doing this or that. They never feel totally settled. How can they when it is only their ego that is content? Their soul cries to be revealed as their true nature. When they deny their souls, they deny their true path.
Pieces Of The Puzzle
Some of you are at a stage where you feel you should be doing something but are not sure what that is. To you I say, consider a caterpillar. When it is time for it to turn into a chrysalis, it just knows what to do, and when it is time for you to need to do something, you will know too.
Sometimes you are led to do things that are in preparation for your purpose. This learning or cleansing experience that you may go through is necessary for your higher good or your purpose. You will be able to reflect and see how it all fits together like a jigsaw puzzle. It is hard to see the whole picture when you have only a few pieces. Like a puzzle, when you intend to complete the picture, you follow the call of your soul until you understand the basic outline, and then the pieces fall into place easily. Often there is a tendency to just cruise through life, experiencing this and that. It is only when you get enough of the pieces that your life makes any sense.
Once you get a glimpse of the goal, your purpose is defined and you move toward it boldly, knowing that this is your reason for living. Do not stop at one piece of the puzzle, do not stop halfway, and do not stop following the voice of your soul until it leads you to your very meaning for your life. Do not give in or give up. If you are feeling that there is something you need to be doing with your life—there is. If you are feeling as though something is missing in your life, find it. If you feel that I am prompting you through your soul, heed it. You all are capable of creating your life by your thoughts, but unless it matches with your soul’s purpose, you will never be satisfied with your life because you are not reaching your full potential.