No Longer Lonely

A gay former priest journeys from his secret to freedom.

by Ray Ray

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/01/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781452544359

About the Book

Having entered into a relationship with the Roman Catholic Church as a priest, while not ‘owning my own truth‘ and keeping it a secret, I was feeling alone, fearing for my security and acceptance; I became co-dependent.

Yearning for a significant other who would also be my soul mate—and realizing this would never be allowed as a Catholic priest—created my experience of loneliness as one of sorrow and pain. When I went into the priesthood, I checked my own truth at the door. Well locked up, I forgot myself. ‘After having left the priesthood, I no longer feel lonely because I have changed my concept of God and began to own my own truth.

About the Author

As a Roman Catholic priest, Ray Buteau’s pastoral experiences led him to the Arctic Circle; ASL studies at Gallaudet College; Peace Corps work in Harlem, New York; a key role in the establishment of Canada’s first Catholic Bible College; and, of course, parish ministry. Using his year in the Arctic as a guide, he published Inuit: The People of Canada’s Arctic in 1978.

After leaving the priesthood in 2002, Ray developed ‘Warrior of the Rainbow,’ through which he offers creative spiritual counseling services in a non-religious context.He is currently a spiritual counselor in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.