So why are we alive? One answer is to realize who we really are. And who are we? That’s a question that can last us a lifetime. Let’s tackle it anyway.
We have an inner essence, a truth within us. This essence is love. This truth is that we’re not the body, we’re much more. We’re limitless. We’re soul, spirit, a divine presence that’s waiting to be revealed to us and expressed in our lives. How do the revelation and expression happen? Through our own focus, discipline and decision to transform.
Yes, this is spiritual talk because it’s about our spirit. Since you’ve picked up this book, and you know it’s by a Swami, I assume this kind of talk is your cup of tea. If it isn’t, it may be time to close the book.
Back to this inner essence. It’s eternal, powerful beyond our imagination, and meant to be manifested through our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. It’s our birthright to live as this spirit in every moment of our life. We’re in a physical body for this reason: to live this, be this, serve as this so others come to the same realization and express who they truly are.
This book is a means toward that end. It gives you a structure, format and tools that take you through the journey of self-transformation, so you realize your essence, truth, and live it powerfully each day. Now what about this title, “Inside Tips: A Transformation Workbook”? Let’s start at the end and work our way forward.
Workbook. Like other workbooks, this one has some tables, diagrams and forms, lists and categories of questions and practices that will assist you. Is it “work”? Well, it doesn’t have to be work, meaning difficult and an effort. It’s Work with a capital “w,” in the sense of Doing the Work, the work of transformation. It can be joyful, dynamic, creative, life affirming. It’s up to you how you approach it and what you commit to in doing the Work.
Transformation. Change is about taking something and changing how it looks, creating a different form of the same thing, like re-plastering or painting walls. Transformation is about creating a completely new form that didn’t exist before. It’s about invention and creation, transforming something so you can’t trace it back to its original form.
In this case, we’re speaking about your transformation. Transforming your thoughts and feelings, how you see yourself and the world, how you feel about yourself and the world. Transforming your words and actions, how you communicate, how you relate to others, how you express yourself each day. Fundamentally, the Work and this book are about transforming who you are, who you’re being in the world, what you’re creating and manifesting in your life.
Inside Tips. This workbook provides tips or pointers based on powerful lessons I’ve learned since I consciously began my spiritual path over sixteen years ago. This has been a time of great blessing, in that I’ve spent it with my beloved Guru, Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi. I couldn’t have written this book without Maa’s teachings, love and service to me and so many others. This book comes from my devotion to Maa, my experiences with Maa. You’re not obliged to have Maa as your Guru, or any Guru. In going through this book, just know how powerful the tips are, the wisdom they’re based on, and the accelerated transformation that has taken place in me and others through Maa’s grace and guidance.
The tips point you in a direction I know will serve you in your transformation because they have served me. I’m not unique; we have much in common. I’ve suffered, and these tips will reduce your suffering. I’ve evolved, and these tips will serve your evolution. They’re inside tips because they come from someone who has been on the inside of what it’s like to transform, of what serves in the spiritual path. In addition, they’re inside tips because of a very important teaching: everything’s inside of us. We don’t have to go anywhere else to find what we’re looking for in our lives. We can stop playing Hide and Go Seek, where we hide from ourselves and seek other people or things to fulfill us.
In summary, this book provides questions and practices that support you in going inside and finding the wealth of wisdom, the breadth of qualities and dimensions you are in truth. This book assists you in Doing the Work of transformation, using the pointers, structure and tools to realize what’s inside of you, and to reinvent yourself so you live and serve as this in the world.