We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive. Albert Einstein
The human race has always wondered where it was from, where it’s going, and what its purpose is. This book will answer those questions. In addition, it will show how humankind is part of a reemerging Star Nation, and more.
The purpose of this book is to offer information about how things work in the universe as it reminds us of the ancient indigenous ways of living in balance and harmony with all that exists in creation, All That Is.
Some of the information may seem contrary to what many have been taught to believe. You may want to consider what is offered here as alternative truths. One’s perspective on life is the most highly personal aspect of perception. Please take what you want, and leave the rest.
This is not a channeled book, where everything comes directly from a nonphysical entity(s). A large portion of the information in this book comes from years of personal communications with Spirit Guides. I work with many different spirit messengers, some of which are animals. My primary Spirit Guide is “Heyoak,” a Hopi clown in a former life. But I also work with wolf, bear, eagle, spider and raven, among others. I get messages from varied resources, including the Universal Star Council of Light to whom I will credit most of the direct quotes.
“Ancient Spirit Wisdom, An Elder's Guidebook to Native Spirituality and Beyond,” materialized through the challenging work of interpreting personal dreams and visions, by asking questions, and by receiving psychically intuitive knowledge. Additional information is the result of research, consultation with and input from others, including psychics and medicine people.
In today’s world, there are several explanations of how individuals might access information in non-ordinary ways. Many healers have suggested that all humans have the ability to be psychic – if they would open their minds to possibilities and suspend conventional belief systems. Some are born with their psychic capability fully functional. For others, there are schools and books designed to help one develop and enhance innate psychic abilities.
Scholarly explanations of human psychic ability are generally based on what Jungian or analytic psychologies call the “collective unconscious.” Carl Jung, originator of what came to be known as the school of Jungian psychology, was one of Sigmund Freud’s students and contemporaries. Both Jung and Freud were advocates of a “collective unconscious” that can be accessed.
The concept of a collective unconscious seems to be a universal cultural phenomenon. Some cultures know it as non-ordinary reality. Deepak Chopra calls it “the invisible intelligence.” One can say that, in many cultures, healers, shamans or medicine men and women use wisdom of the collective unconscious.
Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice dating back 30,000 to 40,000 years and originating in Russia’s Ural mountains. Shamanism is not a Native American practice, although that is how it is often presented in New Age literature. The term “shaman” has come to represent any individual who works with non-ordinary reality. In the past, virtually all the indigenous tribes had a shaman type healer or medicine man. This person could contact the unseen world by altering his state of consciousness and taking a shamanic or soul journey. While on this journey, the shaman communicated with Spirits who shared information or helped with healing.
Today, persons undergoing non-traditional hypnosis may access alternate realities in time, space and location. Many books have been written concerting such experiences using this technique. One well known book of this genre is “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Brian L. Weiss.
When we spend time meditating or listening to the silence within our subconscious we may eventually begin to access information from non-ordinary reality. This process has been assigned various labels including: being psychic, having intuitive knowledge or channeling.
On a daily basis, we gather ordinary information through the use of our senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. But those same senses can also access non-ordinary reality through the use of our intuitive abilities. Everyone has what we call the “sixth sense,” our intuition or “gut feeling.” The following are the most common terms applied to the use of the sixth sense in accessing non-ordinary reality:
Clairvoyance through vision, otherwise called clear seeing,
Clairaudience through clear hearing,
Clairsentience through clear touch or kinesthetic access of information from an object,
Clairalience through smelling something not really present, clear smelling, and also
Clairambience through clear taste of something not there but representing nonphysical matter, energy or spirit presence.
These are all channels of information referred to as Extra Sensory Perception or ESP. People are often frightened by this message and shut down their abilities, while others work on enhancing these skills. Traditional religion frowns on ESP abilities and claim that they come from an evil influence. More information on this topic can be found in Chapter 12, Earth-Bound Spirits, Lost Souls and the Astral Plane.